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Jumat, 03 Desember 2010

The best nutrition sport in days or hours before a competition of endurance sports

What is the best sporting nutrition for an athlete? There is no definitive answer to this. No athlete has the same need. It all depends on the physique of an athlete and the type of sport that he or she is in.

So if you are contemplating entering into a contest of endurance sports, the best sporting nutrition for you is the nutritional table suitable for an athlete that requires long hours of vigorous physical activity and mental readiness even when you're tired.

Sport of endurance test of physical and mental strength of an athlete; if you aren't well fed for this type of competition, it would be better for you if it would be back from competition.

Best sports nutrition for athletes of endurance sports

-Better nutrition, one day before the sports event

Do not overload yourself the day before the event. It would be wise if it would just make stretching and a few miles of jogging, eating food rich in proteins, hydrate yourself (very!) and rest for the rest of the evening, why do you need to get up early, already four hours before the match.

The best sporting nutrition in endurance sports is hydration.You should be yourself moisturising even one week before the game. it comes to keeping your body clean, fed and watered for the next event.

If you yourself hydrated only the day of the event, don't keep too much water.Most of the liquid that you intake will only filter out through perspiration. So, if you want to go to the game in full tank, drink plenty of water beforehand.

Another tip best sporting nutrition that you must learn from the heart is to eat foods rich in protein, to keep your muscles in shape, and carbohydrates that stores the glycogen would be at their best. we can moisturize yourself well with sports drink containing minerals for balances your level of electrolytes.

-Sport better nutrition hours before the event

Eat a meal before running.This is the best sports nutrition advice that should keep in mind you need glucose to maintain blood sugar to normal levels.Glucose nourishes the brain and muscles during an activity.

If you lack glucose in your body, you can't think correctly because your brain do not have enough fuel needs.Worse yet, could weak even before the race begins to hypoglycemia.

Having enough shops of glucose in your body do you notice and going for long hours of physical activity.So, don't forget to eat a light to moderate the meal before you race.

Long hours of running, swimming and cycling will definitely reduce the glycogen in the liver.So, a meal rich in carbohydrates will be your best choice of pre-race meal. Quickly can restore the reserves of glycogen in liver and put the focus back to normal. you can bring with you carbohydrates bar that you can munch on while it is running and unloading down with water or sports drink.

According to health experts, best sports nutrition tip to get the carbohydrates you should you eat food that you know won't make your stomach upset. stress can induce diarrhea. Add food that hates the digestive system and you will see yourself seated on the throne, while competitors have started running after having heard the shots.

When eating your pre-race meal? sports nutrition experts recommend one to four hours prior to the time of Assembly and then nibble 50 grams of carbohydrates per hour, before the game begins.

Instant Oatmeal, bananas, low milk fat and energy bars are good sources of carbohydrates. Always follow a meal with water or sports drink. never drink caffeinated beverages soda or because you will work as diuretics. According to the best sports nutrition magazines in the country, caffeine drains the body fluid.

Sum the salty for your meal. Salt will help you keep more water in your body.

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