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Nutrition and sports Nutrition Sector
The role of food in total health care is not something new for humanity. The use of food to maintain the health of man is as natural as day and night. More than 2000 years ago, Hippocrates, considered the father of medicine, said, "Let food be your medicine and medicine your food". Is this principle that led to the explosion of the nutraceutical industry.
The nutraceutical industry deals nutraceuticals, namely "food or a food that offers benefits medical and/or health, including the prevention or treatment of disease"
All therapeutic areas such as anti arthritic, cold and cough, pain killers, digestion, sleep disorders, hypertension, cholesterol, prevention of some cancers, osteoporosis, depression and diabetes are covered by nutraceuticals.
Products range from herbal dietary supplements, actual food components in dosage form, capsules or tablets to drink enriched with vitamins and genetically design, functional foods, foods such as cereal, soup and drink.
Functional foods, the term more popular among consumers are modifieds foods or food ingredients which may provide a health benefit beyond the traditional nutrients that contains.
Nutraceuticals are widely distributed in the United States, Canada, Japan and Europe and has collected $ 80 billion of revenue. demand for nutraceuticals has grown worldwide due to consumer awareness of diet, links and disease, aging population, rising costs of health and innovations in food technology and nutrition.
Sports and nutrition
In the last decade, sport and fitness nutrition has emerged as a separate category in great nutraceutical industry.Three main products have contributed to the growth of 2004 dramatic market:
• products of carbohydrates-who grew from what 154% low
• Sports energy drinks – who grew by 18%;
• sports supplements – who grew by 6%.
Now, the industry of sports nutrition of 2 billion dollars-worth has moved away from the normal protein powders-tasting in a large pool of choices for customers.Are available at most drug stores or supermarkets, energy bars, meal replacement products, protein powders, individual items (for example, creatine, l-carnitine), amino acids, herbs, pro-hormones (hormone precursors); vitamins; minerals; and the combination product. because of this sports nutrition nutraceutical sector is considered a "niche" market and an emanation of the traditional food industry.
Factors of competition for the sports nutrition market
Product/brand Differentiation
Because of the increased saturation and competition in sports nutrition products market are similar and sound itself.It is difficult, but one thing to strive to maintain a brand that stands out from the rest.Research-proven claims.
Ability of consumers to make intelligent choices should never be underestimated.People place multiple validators of faith by university professors and doctors and credits, incurred by a research independent from endorsements by celebrities.
Main products and strategies
A good strategy is now active development of core products or integration with great food and pharmaceutical concerns (e.g., Powerbar, BalanceBar).
For small companies who cannot or do not rely on strong distribution reports, e-commerce is an increasingly attractive option.
Basis for marketing strategy
The factors of competition mentioned above was collected from searches of what consumers are willing to pay for. in General, customers want:
Something new
Retailers and consumers clamor for "new", if it means new forms of delivery (gel, effervescent tablets, functional drinks), new applications, or combinations of existing products, or sports nutrition products entirely natural that are free of artificial ingredients and solvents.
Excellent tasting all natural products to consumers are trying also to products that taste good and are easy to take. taste is an important feature that can make or break a product. hunting is for manufacturers to come up with new and better flavours.
Products are safe and of high quality
Regulatory bodies exist to protect consumers is the responsibility of producers to undertake the sound research and demonstrate the efficacy and safety of their products nutraceutical. Products that are based on false or misleading marketing should be and are prohibited and punished.
Through the sale of products and advancements in research and development, the nutritional power sports sector is now validates what was delivered promptly, from fitness and nutrition pioneers--sports nutrition products provide easier access to a healthy way of execution and living.
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