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Senin, 13 Juni 2011

7 Ways to take advantage of the alkaline diet

The premise of a diet alkaline is that nutrient supplement, alkalizing foods and you can water the body into balance. These vitamins to meet minerals and herbs, your body with new energy, vitality and improving health.

The alkaline food and water must be consumed to provide nutrients that the body needs to neutralize acids and toxins in the blood, tissue, lymph nodes and cells.

If your body pH balance "Balance" the body seeks to correct pH balance. This process is similar to the tedious symptoms, colds, homes, allergies, diseases, viruses and bacteria.

If the level of pH in our body is unbalanced, elle can affect almost all areas of the body. For example, if the nervous system due to a severe pH balance is manifested in the form of depression. Is it the cardiovascular system we heart disease or other heart problems, including thickening and hardening of the arteries of the experience of ear of coronary artery disease, pain in the chest or complaints, stroke, hypertension and heart failure. If the muscles it often seems to fatigue and lack of energy. If the skin is faster than an inappropriate age normal pH balance.

If your organization is pH balanced, the body of the ideal weight reached and corrects negative health problems, of course.

Transition to a more alkaline diet requires a change in the attitude of the food. The point is that small changes go very far. Add progressively more alkaline foods to your diet.

7 Ways invariably alkaline diet use: 1) to reduce the consumption of sugar and sugar products, including chewing soda pop, cakes, cream, jellies, jams, juices, Jello &, fruits, desserts, Donuts, corn syrup, gum, sugary drinks, biscuits, cereal for breakfast, mixed drinks, liqueurs.

(2 Avoid processed foods) and seasonings, including sauce of tomatoes, dressing in salad, cucumber, meat for lunch, fruit, bread, spices, sauces, cheese, peanut butter, seafood, frozen vegetables, soups, biscuits, preserves, hot dogs, sausages, sweetened yogurt.

(3) heating and food and beverages in a microwave to avoid cooking.

(4), Avoid dairy products, meat, fried foods and fast food.

(5) increase consumption of fruits and raw vegetables (without sugar) you must include the vegetables at every meal. If breakfast is so small that they eat only cereals, toast, or stop to eat toast and fruit and the juice of vegetables in their place. If their lunches are usually they consist of sandwiches, try replacing it with a salad or vegetables with a raw juice. You have a great salad before eating a heavy dinner entry. In this way, that you are insured of salad instead find too full to eat.

(6) Beans are important to maintain the alkaline balance in the body and the basis of a balanced diet. The grains are very good source of vitamins, minerals and elements essential nutrients, including folic acid, fiber, antioxidants and Phytoestrogens carbohydrates. The Ministry of food and nutrition at the University of MInnesota found that whole grain consumption reduces the risk of chronic such as cancer and heart diseases-cardiovascular diseases. Grain eat less, but it feels full. Grain should be 20% of their diet.

(7) remember to moisten. Drink at least half of its weight in ounces of good quality water every day. Add liquid minerals to improve the quality of the water.

If you allow these simple steps, 7 the creation of the remaining basis in your body.

Create the right balance of base in the body increases the quality of life. It is now an immediate improvement in their health. To boost your energy, your concentration is stronger. Create power, endurance and resistance to diseases. Work more efficiently, as was done throughout the body.

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