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Are you lactose intolerant?
Do you know someone who eats step of milk or dairy products? The condition is not uncommon, and these people are classified as lactose intolerance.
Lactose is the most important carbohydrates or sugar in milk and in varying amounts, in dairy products such as milk, ice cream, yogurt, cheese and sweet butter. Intolerance to lactose (milk sugar) the result of the inability to digest lactose in the gut.
Get the only time where a person include never lactose when they were infants to their mother's milk in the cave of the days. During his life, milk was never completed. Only with the invention of agriculture is that milk for adults was available. Lactose is unique, because it is only to milk as a free form, in conjunction with other molecules.
Docauses an intolerance to lactose?
Lactose is digested in the digestive tract enzyme called lactase. This enzyme helps the lactose of break of body in two sugars simple, glucose and galactose. They are quickly absorbed by the intestine and provide energy for the body. The amount of the enzyme lactase varies between individuals and the severity of symptoms, by intolerant to lactose.
What are the symptoms of lactose intolerance?
The symptoms of abdominal complaints, swelling and excessive server wind zone abdominal cramps and diarrhea.
It therefore contains lactose food substitutes
In General, lactose is not serious and can be controlled by a few simple changes in your diet. Changes in the diet of the lactose intolerance should contain the exclusion of food high in lactose. There are now lots of yogurt fresh soybean and ice cream, lactose, and calcium enriched milk. Many dairy products are actually lactose soon or he cannot continue to enjoy.
Power of soy protein
Growing very healthy reasons soy products. The humble soybean has some exceptional benefits. Lactose, soy protein are a "complete" protein that contains all the amino acids in the right balance to meet the needs of your body. Soy protein are the only vegetable protein which is complete. This great replacement for many types of meat, so that more saturated fat and cholesterol in your diet to remove.
While the soybean has much to offer on proteins because they contain many nutrients such as isoflavones, many of which are attention now in the workplace. Soy protein improved to maintain the capacity of the Organization and better absorb calcium in the bones. Soy isoflavones reduce bone loss and bone breakdown by inhibiting.
Revenue from soybean lactose
There are many recipes of soybean wonderful you can all the benefits of soy... without the traditional taste of soy. See link for more information following.
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