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Anti aging goji juice
The fountain of youth had discovered just was. Imagine that it is alive and well in the years, but look surprisingly young and in good physical shape.
Juice of Goji berries and four unique polysaccharides that are known in Tibetan as included anti-aging. In addition, they are loaded with vitamins, minerals and antioxidant that has these four unique polysaccharides are all other plants in aging ability of the Earth that Goji berries.
More information on people living in Earth Goji consume more than 100 years in soups, drinks and berries every day their life and are debilitating in a way, but active and vital. He has dined on fresh, fruits vegetables and uses a minimal amount of animal fat. These people have chemical food or fast food in their diet, and not in some of the resistance and remote areas of the life of the country.
Berries Goji (Lycium Barbarum):
Goji Berry has been used for centuries in traditional Tibetan medicine! The plants grow as shrubs vines, reaching more than 15 metres. Berries never touch the hand as they oxidize and black if it is fresh back. You rumble in rugs, dried, then, in the shade.
Goji Berry juice can be used in smoothies or cocktail juice. The result of the Goji contains polysaccharides, which showed that to strengthen the immune system. This polysaccharide even found a secretagogue, which means that a substance, which stimulates the secretion of growth of pituitary hormone (HGH), a natural anti-aging hormone high performance. It is the richest source of carotenoids, including beta carotene (beta-carotene than carrots), known for all foods or plants on Earth! Goji is a powerful antioxidant and traditionally believed, strengthen the body against disease and the energy are difficult to overcome obstacles to heal. Beta-carotene can be enabled in vitamin A, under the influence of human liver enzymes. Is rich in minerals, goji juice contains a large amount of zinc, calcium, phosphorus, selenium and germanium, as also small amounts of many others.
The Goji Berry is among the most venerated sexual tonic herb in the Asian Forum recognized herbalist and increase in sexual fluids and improve fertility. The Mongolia is the mother of the first quarter of to prevent nausea. It is a sweet that he loaded and relaxation is the result of vitality.
Several study groups received with old Goji once daily for three weeks, it is home to many positive results. 67% of the functions of the patients doubled interleukin of conversion of t cells and activity of white blood cells from patients in triplicate. In addition, the results showed that 95% of patients, 95% of patients improved significantly, in all patients who have increased the appetite of spirit and optimism was sleeping better and 35% of patients with partially covered his sexual function. Goji Berry has absolutely no toxicity.
But must not be used as most fruit, if you suffer from deficiency of the spleen with dampness and diarrhea. Goji is now used in clinical settings, for a number of common diseases, including the treatment of disease, consumed by thirst, how diabetes and tuberculosis, dizziness, blurred vision and a chronic cough. In the treatment of diabetes. 8-10 Grams fruits consumed each time, three times a day and steam (steam softens the fruit). The range of daily doses of 8 to 30 grams is typical for applications, medical conducted in several countries. The Berry has been used also in a number of recent clinical trials for the treatment of conditions of deficiency of marrow bone (low production of red blood cells, platelets and white blood cells).
Mongolian traditional medicine that the Institute reported that Goji weakened due to the reduction of activity in the stomach has been used in the treatment of gastrointestinal gastritis, atrophic. Patients, the 10 g whole fruit each three times daily before meals for two months and more. Goji juice contains eight types of amino acids (six times higher than bee pollen), which are 8 amino acids for the body (such as tryptophan, and Valine) are required. 50% of amino acids in each of the Goji berries are amino acids. Goji juice contain trace amounts of minerals, 21 (of which the most important are zinc, iron and copper) and 500 times the amount of vitamin c by weight of oranges. Goji juice is loaded with vitamin B1, B2, B6 and maturity contains more than 11 mg of vitamin fruit. Iron per 100 grams, as well as glucose, fructose, vitamin C, version beta sitosterol (anti-inflammatory agent), the linoleic acid (a fatty acid), sesquiterpenoids (cyperone, Solavetivone), the zeaxanthin Tetraterpenoids (Physalin) and Betaine (0.1%).
Known to rejuvenate and restore your youth for vitality and health building
The famous Qing Yun Li, who was apparently living in 252 years (1678-1930), eat berries Goji, a documented case of extreme longevity.
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