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A vegetarian diet can be really better for human beings humans, of people. (Part 1)
I have a vegetarian diet - or more precisely said vegetarian diet for about 10 years and although the first were three false based on my actions of disinformation, which were last 7 or so where in my life. Not only this way of life this diet believe the main reason why he was able, terrible case of acne, cure also miraculously healed my general lethargy bad breath (to the point that I have ne said honestly no morning blast called) and asthma.
The benefits of a vegetarian diet led to me many Member States to convince such a change of diet. It is the main reason why now are written this article to their construction if a way of life of the diet you are interested.
From the commonly used non-vegetarian popular article and justify why substances which must be eliminated or drastically reduced food.
Vegetarian food: reasons to avoid, for meat and meat products - are of the belief that a meat eating can be highly beneficial to the health of the applicant. Fruits and raw vegetables contain Ascorbic acid to prevent various diseases properties. However, meat may be affected by these diseases feared, such as intestinal worms, etc....
Many physicians do not only want their patients to eat meat, rheumatism, to relieve gout. Dr. Russo Buteyko advises all asthmatics to refrain from all animal products and processed foods. This discipline has many Ventolin helped give an asthmatic. I am living proof. Meat is a State of decomposition, produced a variety of toxins, uric acid and mucus in the body.
You are very unbalanced and excessive amounts of protein almost completely absent in calcium and vitamins stimulate growth while that contains minerals. Experiences reported by Farger and Walpole in the journal of Physiology and pathology shows that meat rot contain many toxic substances, including some pressure increase because why not doctors, want to be patient with hypertension.
If you eat meat or meat, eating only a kind of say, once or twice a week, then a lot of green leaves and vegetables force-less daily in very small quantities and are very well distributed and some.
Draw on other elements of the non-consumed vegetarian and present the reasons by which it should... not be eaten, and why a vegetarian diet can be considered to improve and maintain the physical, mental and spiritual health.
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