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Jumat, 10 Juni 2011

Drugs of antioxidants

The prefix "anti" means, in opposition to or repair work in nature. In this case, "anti" antioxidant described the impact of the product, the chemicals are oxidizers.

Oxidizer in General as free radicals "known as one of millions of biochemical processes, carried out by the body every minute occur." Even oxygen is life, that supports all the functions of the body created this dangerous by-products damage to proteins of cells, usually DNA and cause fats.

Free radicals enter the body by external influences such as solar radiation, pesticides and other types of pollution. In addition, their levels are an increased physical and mental stress, unhealthy foods, alcoholic beverages and tobacco smoke.

In the same way that oxidation Roya, cars to cause a breakdown of cells makes the oxidation in the body. If the height of the oxidation of the radical free body can reach unhealthy levels, it can be serious injury can cause cellular components and accelerate the aging process.

More importantly, can contribute to a wide range of degenerative diseases and reduce the capacity of the Organization, other problems, including cardiovascular diseases, to treat cancer and diseases of the eyes.

In addition, there may be a weakened immune system, resulting in a decrease in the ability of the body to heal wounds and infections and diseases of the immune system. Some studies show that possible connections for arthritis and other chronic diseases.
Antioxidants counteract these effects of the bond with the above, free radicals that can damage. Then, not harmful biochemical conversion, help greatly damage the cells.

Some antioxidant enzymes are produced in the body. The most famous is the superoxide dismutase, catalase and Glutathione: catalase cover water and oxygen of hydrogen peroxide.

Superoxide dismutase breaks antioxidants in hydrogen peroxide.

Glutathione is a detox, change in the shape of the toxins are easily removed from the body.

Other antioxidants can be consumed through diet. Some of most popular vitamins antioxidants are the beta carotene, vitamin B6, vitamin c and vitamin e.

Minerals such as zinc, selenium, glutathione Coenzyme Q10 also have antioxidant properties and therefore flavonoids can blueberries, amino acids, organic milk thistle and trees of Ginkgo biloba extract.

A diet rich in fruits and vegetables offers a wide range on these antioxidants to eliminate the harmful free radicals. The highest concentrations of fruit and green vegetables, red and orange peppers, spinach, carrots and tomatoes are.

Destroy certain antioxidants and affect the ability of the body to absorb, so eat of the fruit and vegetables, cooking, and can help to including the epidemics in the diet. Vegetables, in contrast to the Republic in Federal Yugoslavia, microwave or boiling point evaporates also is a good idea.

Antioxidants are taken in combination, because antioxidants, like vitamin E, need to work the other vitamins as an effective antioxidant. Natural food supplement and therefore more biological source of antioxidants can be made. Natural products of forests of the world are some of the best sources for natural antioxidants found was. Fruits like acai berry are amazing health everywhere in the world because of the variety and the high number of antioxidants that contain that they have a perfect source of antioxidants. No wonder is that acai berry is one of the "top 10" superfoods was called. To learn more about the wonderful Acai, visit jungle berries and other health products natural

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