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An antioxidant is a substance that slows the oxidation reactions, especially in a specific context, where the oxidation reactions are chemical reactions, the transfer of electrons from a substance to an oxidizing agent.
Antioxidants are important in biology and organic chemistry: complex systems of chemical substances and antioxidant enzymes to prevent damage to components containing the lives of all cells, chemical oxidation, The importance and the complexity of antioxidants in biology is more than 142,000 academic articles in the medical literature.
A diet with antioxidants from plants are necessary for good health, as the plants are an important source of organic chemicals in antioxidants. Antioxidants are used ingredients in dietary supplements used for health such as the prevention of cancer and heart disease. However, during the numerous studies, who suggested the benefits of these supplements, several large clinical studies clearly show a benefit for tested formulations and excess supplementation may be harmful.
Antioxidants are chemicals to reduce oxidative cell damage and biochemical substances. Researchers have found a strong correlation between the oxidativen and the onset of the disease. For example, the oxidation of LDL is associated with cardiovascular disease. The process is complex, arteriosclerosis and cardiovascular disease, atherogenesis with multiple chemical pathways and networks, but the precursor is the oxidation of LDL by free radicals, led to the formation of plaques and inflammation.
Research has shown that the consumption of foods rich in antioxidants damage to cells and the biochemical products of reduced free radicals. This can slow, stop or even reverse cellular damage certain diseases and perhaps even the natural aging process slows.
Since the discovery of vitamins, he acknowledged that the antioxidants in the diet of healthy living are necessary. In recent years has accumulated a large amount of prove proposed supplementing the diet with various types of antioxidants may extend to improve the health and life.
Many food and nutraceutical companies now sell forms of antioxidants as dietary supplements. These additions include chemical specific antioxidant, such as resveratrol (from grape seeds), combinations of antioxidants, such as "ACE" products that contain beta carotene (provitamin A), vitamin C, vitamin e and selenium, or herbs of the specialities which are known to contain antioxidants, such as green tea and g...
Disclaimer the information presented here should be construed as medical advice. For more information on antioxidants, please consult your physician or a qualified specialist.
Permission, reproduce this article provided that no changes are made and contains the full array of resources.
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