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"Drinking water revealed fraud."
(Free publication)
Read this article until you can pay for drinking water.
It would be good, we poisoning of pollution of drinking water or to stop the damage to health? For its part, I felt that I would like to find a source of drinking water. (Ideally, it would become the cock and they come)!
It is the treatment of cancer with magnets or herbs of the wonders or Vioxx appeal, we have all seen fantastic claims people make on their health and change life in how your products together! I dis you now who was 90% were. You also need to sacrifice some of this fraud, selling trends of fashion. Me too. I bought several kinds of drinking water, I do not remember. (If a lie is repeated several times, is the "truth").
Finally, after so many disappointments I I fed. I decided on the reason for this request go to ensure that all the world, our most basic food of the water will keep in good health for us, it must be bad.
I have commercial sites without end and a number of pages of the University and the Government. and had been dismayed by what I found most of the time: - information information outdated or repeated other sites Web Silvestre claims and reimbursements sensational-step - no search, etc....
I knew that we do not surrender by the presence of the own tap in the year 2000 can.
In particular, I found: a) mineral water: a real smorgasbord of quality, often not filtered tap water for recharge scandalous and sold an environmental cost.
(b) and reverse osmosis distilled water: completely ignored medical evidence of the dangers of the fairy of the drinking water of the momekngeltengat minerals, acids and oxidant.
I quickly understood that these products useless, überteuerten - or potentially harmful in the long term have been. And businesses have been smiling at the Bank.
However I managed to find the products that have been treated well and legitimate: ioniseurs and some filters from the water. I found two sites Web offers reliable water purifier comparisons: and (While the first of these sites acid in drinking water does not correct the problem, which is simple in its assessment the different water filters).
I hope that they are deceived by the false statements and consult these resources for his health.
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