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Senin, 13 Juni 2011

They are nutritionally adequate?

A recent survey of nearly 700 Americans showed that 72% believe that healthy dining options are always show the Government otherwise.

The USDA has recently shown that Americans proteins and carbohydrates, but often they are short on nutrients such as magnesium, potassium and vitamins c and e.

"Fifty years, we have only cases of defects such as scurvy, recognized, which is caused by vitamin C deficiency," said Carroll Reider, MS, RD, Director of the scientific fact of natural vitamins and business training. "Science has advanced. "Now we know even small amounts of meal of vitamin deficiency much more than people realize."

While most Americans seem to be well, he is a central question: are nutritionally adequate? To assess the nutritional state make Reider posed the following questions: avoids the Sun? Use sunscreen, life in the northern climates or people may be darker skin not the optimal level of vitamin D, which occurs after exposure to the Sun. Vitamin d calcium contributes from the body absorb, and you can also the ovary, prostate, breast, promoting the health of the colon and the heart. Reider suggests vitamin D 1000 IU per day for people who spend the most time indoors and those that synthesize not easy to do, as the people of dark skin and vitamin d. vitamin d nutrition seniors include fatty milk and the types of fish; However, it is difficult to achieve the optimal dose by single food. It is also in the form of a supplement available.

Its color without food? Dinner typically consist of meat, vegetables and starch Green? Excellent health, their nutrition add colors. Vegetables cooked in steam, like carrots, peppers and cabbage red, add dinner citrus grilled in bright colours, while the corners illuminate the Green standard. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables, maximizes nutrient and provides antioxidants, which help fight that can lead to premature aging of free radicals. "A multivitamin formulated for their age and sex is also a good way to eliminate the imbalances," Reider said.

It is an ordinary flat? Two servings of fish per week is the American Heart Association. Reider suggests salmon and tuna, which is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Some studies suggest that Omega-3 fatty acids can promote the health of the heart of acid. Other sources include walnuts, flaxseed and vitamins.

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