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Senin, 20 Juni 2011

Course existing antioxidant food

Why is it necessary to eat foods that are naturally high content of antioxidants?
What are antioxidants?
What do we have food, radical free to fight food prices?

Scientists have discovered that the shape of the body of unstable molecules called oxygen free radicals; each cell produces tens of thousands of them every day. A radical is basically an Atom with an odd number of electrons in its periphery. Because electrons have a very strong tendency that is present in a small number rather than a single person, radical electrons collect at random by other atoms, who, turning conversion, this other atoms in radical page, which was a reaction of the chain can cause significant damage. It is ultimately bad. There are also several types of free radicals every day, such as presentations to be pollution, radiation, smoke cigarettes and herbicides.

Are antioxidants to the neutralize and stabilize this radical.

Therefore, that antioxidants naturally in foods are available?

: Vitamin e: a fat-soluble vitamins in vegetable oils, nuts, leaf vegetables and fortified cereals are. Some foods are included the largest quantity of vitamin e germ oil of wheat, almonds, sunflower, sunflower oil, hazelnuts, peanuts, spinach, broccoli, Kiwi and mango.
Vitamin e is that antioxidant vitamin on the metabolism of the cells is involved. Vitamin a protects and essential for the oxidation of cells in fatty acids and prevents the breakdown of tissues of the body.

Ascorbic acid vitamin c is a water soluble vitamin in citrus fruits and juices, cabbage, peppers, broccoli, spinach, tomatoes, kale, melon, Kiwi, guava, papaya and strawberries.
It is important in the formation of collagen, a protein, the structure of bone, cartilage, muscle and blood vessels. Vitamin c also helps the absorption of iron and helps keep hair, bones and teeth.

Beta-carotene: beta carotene to vitamin precursor has. It is in the liver, egg yolk of egg, milk, butter, spinach, carrots, squash, broccoli, tomato, sweet potato, melon, peach and cereals.
Studies were conducted on the effectiveness of the beta carotene of heart disease, cancer, syndrome of chronic fatigue syndrome, the disease of Alzheimer's, fibromyalgia, male infertility and psoriasis disease.

Coenzyme Q10: Coenzyme Q10 increases enhance the energy of the immune system and acts as an antioxidant. A growing number of research suggests that CoQ10 may help, too, prevent or deal with some of the following conditions: of heart, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, diabetes and other diseases. Hand-CoQ10 for food animal sources include fatty fish, meat and organs such as liver, spinach, broccoli, peanuts, wheat and cereal seeds.

Selenium: Selenium is essential for good health, but only in small quantities of trace mineral. It allows to synthesize antibodies; It allows to synthesize aid of Q10and co for the transport of ions across the cell membrane. The best sources of selenium are maroon, molasses, wheat germ, sunflower seeds, whole wheat bread and dairy products.

You must take into account that many other antioxidants are naturally available in food.
Note also the best way, antioxidants, fresh food, live take courses.
Something else. less is sometimes more. Check some of these antioxidants are necessary, only in very small amounts, therefore, if you more or not, an overdose of antioxidants to before!

Apple crunch your way to eat healthy

A simple way for a dose of the diet are to your day on a tasty Apple crunch. You were probably first with its delicious taste as a child, such as Apple, sauce will be presented in real food. And now, if one is a McIntosh Red Delicious Granny Smith or Apple as old friends. Apples are grown in the world, the high fiber content, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. You are free of fat, cholesterol free and low in sodium. In short, a healthy lifestyle is apples to eat.

6 Ways to keep healthy apples

The day of the rule.

Should you do to ensure no regular stay longer. If your problem is too often or not enough often to visit bath, it can help with Apple.

British researcher, Dr. d. p. Burkitt, believes that one of the ways easier to ensure that all types of diseases, is to avoid constipation. "He called diseases by constipation or chronic diseases." Appendicitis, disease, haemorrhoids, hernia disease and diverticular and varicose veins may also by the exhaust gases pass stools small, hard.

Only an Apple with your skin contains 4 or 5 grams of fiber, the most important nutrients in intestines work care as a well-oiled machine. Maintain regular without harmful laxatives as simple as replacing potato snacks, which with a French cookies or Apple fresh and delicious. And to believe that you save calories. Apple media received approximately 80 calories, while part of the chip weighs 150 calories and you about 200 for some cookies.

But not everyone can apples. You are also good for diarrhea, with an ingredient called pectin. It is a carbohydrate frozen in their digestive tract to help, things, companies, and to return to normal. Apple Juice really is the best product by Apple for diarrhea, without the leather of the high fiber content. But be careful with additional sugar. Some brands of Apple Juice picked up a truck loaded sweeteners in a food a food heals, and too much sugar refined may worsen diarrhea.

Keep your young body.

You know now that antioxidants can protect against many diseases that are displayed, a part of aging. In fact, many antioxidant supplements for protection, which has become an industry to take Multimillonarias. But that increasingly, whole foods like pills can faire for you.

If the scientists with a further 1 500 milligrams of vitamin c on a small block, the results were amazing antioxidant values are equal. This means that a fresh Apple has more than 15 times the antioxidant power of the amount recommended daily vitamin c and it is only for beginners. The researchers found turtle even pace Apple managed to growth of liver cancer cells in test tubes and the colon to stop. Apples were peeled not particularly effective. The question must be asked: why money for tasteless additions, if you first the serves of fruit, the firepower of crunchy antioxidants to get?

It reduces the risk of heart disease. It is sometimes difficult to remember that the food is good for this part of his body. Discover the next time you've chosen, just an Apple. It is then that you must not forget something as a heart - and that, that apples are good for the assistance of heart.

It is the magnesium and potassium in apples that help blood pressure beat regulate and keep his heart constantly and flavonoid quercetin, an antioxidant that protects the nature, the walls of the arteries of the damage and keeps the blood flowing smoothly.

Add the flavonoid-rich foods to your diet potatoes is scientifically confirmed, to reduce the risk of heart disease. There is evidence in a study of Japanese women who ate foods with high content of quercetin. It was less likely that had coronary heart disease compared with other women and the lower levels of total and LDL or bad cholesterol.

Strikes in the heart of the strokes.

Apples are a good choice to avoid the shots. Scientists know what ingredient in this balance of fruit is versatile, but the connection is Las Clara people who consume regularly Apple probably much less kicked that people who do not.

It protects the joints.

Only a few people suffer in the regions of the world, the fruits and vegetables that make up a large part of the diet, arthritis. Compare this in countries where fruit and vegetables has been replaced by fast food, processed and can be found up to 70% of the population is updated in a form any arthritis. Coincidence? According to no nutrition specialists step. Linking to this trend in the regulations, a trace of minerals - many crops, including apples, registered on the ground.

Boron (mg) per day if you eat as most of the people, get 1 to 2 mg per not citrus fruits, vegetables and nuts. Experts believe, is however anywhere from 3 to 10 mg daily work is at the risk of arthritis required. To increase the intake of boron at this level, you need to eat apples over nine per day.

It is probably reasonable for most people, but don't despair. Pair Apple with other foods rich in boron as a few tablespoons of peanut butter and a handful of raisins and not just a delicious snack in the afternoon, but their common quota of boron efficiency is at the same time.

It helps you breathe deeply. Transferable nasties are attacked each day of the cigarette smoking, pollution, pollen and other lung air.

In addition, asthma, emphysema or lung may suffer from State. If he wants to make a deep breathe, and then enter an Apple.

More study of 2500 men of Wales revealed that those, the Apple of five or more a week ate his lungs with air five years have, rather than of men do not meet foods of apples. Experts estimate that it could obtain special protection of the antioxidant quercetin. Unfortunately, eating apples can not reverse lung disease which you already have, but you can add a new line of defence against the most damage.

Pointer pantry

Buy apples that fixed and free, you have good colour. You get the plastic bag and store in a tank broke products refrigerator or in a document of bag is better. And they are able to absorb odors, keep them away from the smell of food such as onions and garlic.

"Your drinking water to correct acid/base balance: what the experts say".

(Free publication)

Health circles, we were told very young acid/base balance. We will see if we can clarify how experts recommend to correct this imbalance.

The problem of his body works best when either acid or too. Unfortunately acid because of food, beverages and mental stress and pollution have become almost all of us. Acids can accumulate what balance in the body.

The impact Dr. Stefan Kuprowsky, "acid waste in the body in the form of cholesterol, gallstones, kidney stones, arterial plaque, Urates, phosphate and sulfate based." "These acidic residues are the direct cause of premature aging and chronic diseases".

In this case, the body is to restore the optimal pH as some minerals such as potassium, calcium and magnesium of the organs and bones. In addition, the immune system can avoid dealing with excess acid. The body stores cache of acidic residues on muscles, etc., instead of the release of acids in the bloodstream.

As Dr. Robert Atkins, author famous, health and nutrition notes of experts: "imagine each condition, arthritis, cancer, diabetes, associated with acid."

"Really, not the name of countless diseases is important." What matters is that they all for the same reasons... waste of body acid tissue! "Theodore a. Baroody, s.d., Ph. d." what can you do?
Many programs of research, to neutralize the building of acid in the blood and a balanced pH, with simple measures, such as maintain can help: - training exercises - avoid strong acidic foods and drink, the right to drinking water, which is the "right"?
"Drink international studies show that people with little or even no history of diseases such as cancer, more water pH (alkaline).". After all potential risk factors have been taken into account and factor, it was clear that they had been drinking water with a pH of 10. "9.0" 0 Dr. Leonard Horowitz in "AIDS and Ebola"water ionized alkaline "first comes to notice in the Japan, where researchers found that drinking water for people, who had some fast streams of Rocky Mountain enjoyed very good health." "" It was discovered that this alkaline nature of water and have a different structure and electrical properties. "" "" Larry Clapp, Ph.d. in alkaline water "the health of the prostate in 90 days" small kitchen device called an IONIZER (time used in the Japan and Korea) created. "" "" "When the ioniseurs water in North America became popular, that most of health had the option, which assess the impact on customers: wrote his Pollock, s.d., are in a position to"aid of the body more alkaline with alkaline of water..."drink." "" "" "I think that the best water, alkaline water (reduced) and cleaned by a small device called an IONIZER". (Dr. Stefan Kuprowsky)

"It is that I believe, ionized health professionals and the public health approach will change the water in the coming years." Dr. t. Baroody "Alkalize or Die".

Why is it depends on a change in diet?
"" According to the product performed, researcher and author of "Reverse aging", is the risk that we could omit food important: "as they try to, they are acidic wastes to escape, the right type of water is alkaline water..." "my personal recommendation is to enjoy food that enjoy, but is no longer to eat or not to exclude any foods." "" "Moderation, the concept of professional Dietitians"balanced diet"work of alkaline cleaning acid waste can of food and water."

Diet alkaline vs acid

Internal system of our body needs to a PH of 7. 0; Our enzymatic and immunological, repair mechanisms of work among the best in this area of alkali.
If acid above, i.e. a pH of 7 is our Organization, you can start, learn a combination of these symptoms.
Low energy, fatigue, nasal congestion, urticaria nails low muscle aches, skin dry, dry hair, common colds, headache of influenza and infection, these symptoms and eat foods that create acid in the body, you need may be, with an alkaline diet.
What foods cause acid in the body?
There is a list of foods that cause the acidic Agency over which: substitutes animal products milk and dairy products, meat, grain, chickpeas and spices, aspartame, plums dried, chocolate, peanuts, alcohol and other types of food.

To balance the PH, the remedy is simple and logical. Eating more alkaline caused food.
Few of these foods to include Watermelon, lemon, mango, vegetables, juices, vegetables, almonds, lawyer, cabbage and green tea.

If you are the body are more alkaline, changes of are really amazing! It seems to be magic, but it is perfectly normal. The impression that everything the world has the right to be heard, not only.

Benefits include: weight rapid loss sleep, skin and hair need attitude better more energy less improved clarify these benefits are desirable? I think that Yes, and you're crazy if you agree with me! Fortunately, alkalise is not hard your body, slowly. One day at a time when food to their diet, reduce the number of cups of coffee each day and you will be added soon benefits take more green.

Minggu, 19 Juni 2011

A food dependency and their harmful consequences

Maggi part di Noi Appassionata sono di almeno un prodotto Che has l ' effetto di e Stimolante Che alla fine is a Dipendenza. Questi Includono Bevande Stimolante prodotti di esercizio (Vengono Lattine and he eats tail Guardare), Bevande Gassate Aerati, Tobacco…, Noce betel, betel, Caffè Forte, Forte di Foglia di te, Mahuang (a compound ephedrine - dining in Consumato CINA di) and Alcòl.

Prima TI DICO perch step Noi Dovremmo Consumare questi prodotti, Vorrei Affrontare perch Noi li Questione first in Luogo Consumano.

Not that AA non È Nessuno Che Che prodotti I come questi, Consumato all'eccesso Puo Nuocere Ernst nostri bodies. On, Ancora li Troviamo difficult Resistere. La Necessità di Mangiare Cibo È Stimolante a semplice Debolezza Umana Che È Esistita per ETA: gli Esseri umani (E molti Animali) Hanno sempre as Spettacolo Negli Alimenti Che Danno an emotional high sorta di. Questo means heart in terms Clinici it faster Battito, a piccolo, Sudorazione, Dilatazione or Costrizione di Editorial Board is made of Alunni include l ' occhio, a color has Sul viso and a Senso di you Maggiore, s. Concentrazione the Percezione.

Feelings queste "high" Morire Giulia di entered the Pocket, mining and Noi Siamo Lasciati Sensazione Svogliato and Basso. Questo carries a di Desiderio to remove ' food Ancora Una Volta, Tolomei di Sperimentare Una Volta di più. And CI we Andando turn to offshore and a Circolo Vizioso.

Physiology of ICT di è la Seguente: quando si G'mangia Coinvolgente, l ' ormone Stimola food Sostanze Che eat if Trovano all the ' Estremità di nervi, Che Innesca a Valanga di Sostanze Stimolante simili and whether Sperimenta high. I just Le Sostanze vicino nervi sono Esaurite, when Arriva Alla di Basso, Che phase led to Che he Cibo Nuovamente Desiderare. Questa phase di Yo-Yo nervosa Stimolazione and the Svuotamento leads a Modello della Dipendenza ad.

Che Consumano Cibi Coinvolgente È a più delle Antiche Pratiche unhealthy Cibo E HO a Rivoluzione nella Coscienza di salute; Esso not Mostra Segni di Estinguersi.

Which di Seguito CI sono alcuni Effetti Collaterali di Cibi Coinvolgente Certi.

Dipendenza da Alcòl: l ' intestines of dietary di Fodera, Danni s on the liver, mined Nutrizionali deficit.

Tobacco…: L ' erosion e di Gomma Lingua Puo Portare bone della mucous oral.

Noce di betel: the Depigmentazione led Denti l ' erosion of cancer Rivestimento della Bocca e it Tratto Bocca and Superiore dei. Porta anche problemi di the person Cuore TRA Che Hanno GIA a Cuore trunk.

Ma Huang: Containing ephedrine and Porta problemi di Cuore.

Aerato beverage: old Dosi di Caffeina.

Caffeina and Xanthine: Trovato in te, it Caffè. Molto have questi Diventano Dannosi only in Dosi; Consumare non più di Cinque Tazze in the Giorno.

Misto di Reazioni to the Farmaco: Persone Che Consumano I Farmaci per it Cuore, l "ipertensione and l" asthma Devono essere molto grants all Interazioni dei Farmaci with Cibi di Stimolanti, I come by di Miscelazione Posson fatal essere. Dopo Anni di Italia, tutti I Medici Sanno quanto SIA difficult by him breaking ICT di Cibo dei Servizi parrot. Così come Loro, only Posso Consigliare a Buon Compromesso. If the Dipendenza non è possibile Interrompere, quindi almeno si Dovrebbe Praticare Moderazione.

Menu base and meal planning

As a basis for the meal and menu planning, see the pyramid of the information above to ensure that you are the staple of the needs of all members of the family. Cross, and then check and look at the categories of food commodities for a healthy diet of the destination country to adapt to the life and health program around the world. For example, if someone has depression, add some food for their plans of the diet that contributes to the healing and prevention of depression above mentioned.

Meal planning also depend on Budgets, several factors, such as the number of people, the ingestion of special foods, dietary concerns, food available, to those who eat recipes of scope and tastes and dislikes all. Choose foods and recipes to enjoy and learn how to prepare well and in autumn in EveryoneÕs in the first diet plans. If one or more persons have needs special, such as diabetics, deallocation of replacement you or preparation of food or food for the person or persons before replacement.

It is to keep in mind certain things to make the menu planning, food and elections. First of all, certain foods that can somehow announce, but the experience of the solution. For example, can serve eggs and sausage for dinner, not only for breakfast. And perhaps the grains of wheat and breakfast with fresh fruit instead of alcohol circulation and consumed heavy breakfast butter.

Diversity, add. You need to prepare meals for the other members of the family of Hill and some evenings and weekends. Children enjoy on Wednesday evening, as the macaroni and cheese, cheese n Mac host. Then, you change with different combinations of vegetables, colors and textures, the menu varies each week (without having to leave Noia comes on Wednesday, with the same routine!)

Help with budgetary concerns of food in the family, cut coupons from newspapers which adds weekend, no matter wherever they are. Coupons to save downloading from the Internet, money, also sites like and RefundingMakesCents provides an affordable subscription for a coupon own printing, trade magazine and more, with a code secret to your Web site for codes of conduct Internet coupon for many businesses online like (boats) and Barnes & noble (books of kitchen).

Also note the selection of seasonal food savings. Create menus and based meals on skin special of the week or month. Suggestion: Commons or freezing and storage of items at special prices and family favorites allow, to the extent possible and rooms for the storage and the budget. But not to do. With stores and supermarkets for food shopping in virtually any environment, it is not necessary to collect. An old adage, ÒHaste before WasteÓ could apply, if you see a large purchase buy more elements, and then let them obsolete and must be raised.

A fun way to save is food trade stamp and work with friends, family, neighbors, the Church and is a WhoÕd, that you take. Available in their prices special cooperative zone and food for groups or large purchases may offer agricultural markets. The team, the best power purchase and shared between the members of the group. If YouÕre not in the Organization, neighbour, friend or a member of a parent. A bag of potatoes, onions, the oatmeal and other foods to buy and share.

Here is a special communication on the planning of dietetics. It is the misfortune but fast food, in particular those in the FAT (fried fatty foods) are tend to be cheaper than good and healthy food choices. For example lean you in meat, meat of fat content increased Grain with a high nutritional value often have much higher prices than the low-cost sugar brand names. And with a low income and homeless people, especially the victims of this situation are often require recourse under choice of healthy foods for survival. Thus, whenever possible, plans include the donation of a part of shelters for the homeless and churches, which may be more willing to put the extra hand.

Artichokes are are in a healthy diet but strangely

Artichokes are long. It is originally around the Mediterranean, they have been used by the Romans for the treatment of bad digestion.

Somewhere along the line, the Romans great appetizers for also artichokes and since then, they were a traditional English food.

The name Latin of this plant is greenish purple (Cynara Scolymus). French or artichoke, is sometimes called the flower of the plant, which is sold in grocery stores. But this is not to be confused with Jerusalem artichoke, a bulb that grows in North America is in reality.

An SME artichoke supply 20% of vitamin c is necessary for the day. With only 60 calories, it is also a good source of potassium and magnesium, it is important for a healthy heart. And as it is rich in antioxidants in the fight against the disease of nutritionists most fruits and vegetables, excited.

Three ways to keep you healthy artichokes

Stages of digestion.

It turns out, were the ancient Romans with artichokes and the digestion process. Ingredient in the leaves of artichoke contributes to their forms hepatic bile - something necessary for good digestion. When the liver receives food insufficient bile to produce, not broken far more and end up with indigestion, abdominal pain.

If you feel sick to your stomach, can eat a meal complete and abdominal pain, dyspepsia, with a nice name to bad digestion.

Several scientific studies have shown a significant improvement in people with dyspepsia after treatment with extracts of artichoke. You can also help indigestion in the that a delicious artichokes dinner ancient Roman with his dinner.

She stifles a heart disease.

Liver bile makes food collection more help. It also helps to break the cholesterol of the fat you eat. But the gall of type as I produce episode Love Lucy, where he began to quickly move the liver is not enough cholesterol, so you can use the Assembly line with chocolate. Even if it has a diet food can have people of cholesterol high low-fat liver problems.

This is where artichokes. Because you can do more bile, it is possible that it can reduce cholesterol by eating. A study showed that artichokes take six weeks from the LDL type difficulty, the Germany has caused more than 22% decreased. Bonus, artichokes may block some new levels of cholesterol in the liver.

Allows you to lower blood glucose.

The liver is most visited you think. In addition to break more glucose (sugar) in the form of glycogen stores also fatty foods and glucose transformed, if it is a call launched by the receives its blood say that stocks are too low. It is a great system in the work of a body, perfectly. But some people have telephone bad day and night lines, agitation are the liver, not glucose blood needs. This over-production of glucose can diabetes and other health problems.

Animal studies, researchers have discovered that you substances artichokes too glucose liver are maintained. Further studies should be made, but scientific artichokes a day for people with diabetes-Diabetes could be useful. In the future, plants could use people as such as artichokes, to keep the production of sugar in the blood under control.

Pointer pantry

Select the artichokes with green in color. No, research fanées, purchase dry or mouldy. Small heavy heads are the best.

Artichokes are good and start a larger can be used for filling with different toppings and served as an aperitif.

Of course, about an inch of the top cut with a knife well honed. And then, he has cut almost a quarter of an inch from the tip of the leaves, is not this part of edible and rough in your hands.

Artichokes can be steamed in a basket on the water or steam. You should soft and be food in 30 minutes. If you hurry, you can microwave fast. First, rinse with water, add little moisture. Customize then in plastic wrap microwave. Four artichokes, microwave top 10-15 minutes or until the espresso at the base of the artichoke is sensitive.

These vegetables can be hot or cold. Some people are used as sauce of artichoke dip. It would be a pity a meal with sauce-rich, low in fat, it is a low-calorie, striker function of yogurt.

If you never have an artichoke, might be a little perplexed as to what extent is edible. Outer leaves are difficult and slightly bitter, but at the bottom of the page where you pull the mother, it is a piece of "Meat", which gently smooth velvety eats the leaves through your teeth. After obtaining the leaves in this way, they are links to the best part of the artichoke heart. It is a mild flavour, nuts, which all can be consumed. Only by scraping the soft cloth with a spoon instead of dig.

Apricots from exposure to nutritional products

Alexander fell in love with this fruit sweet surprisingly in Asia, where he found his wild growth. After his Europe in his military expeditions in turn, has led some.

The ancient Romans gave the name - of the Latin words for "start" - apricots because apricot is the first fruit of the season for tyres. The name and apricot spread around the world, from Europe, America and even the Australia.

Apricot is a fantastic full seafood beta-carotene, iron, fiber, vitamin c and vitamin b. If a dry apricot, concentrated, making nutrients from apricots dry snack.

If fresh or dried, help food fight apricots, the effects of aging, protect their view, brilliant prevent cancer and heart disease.

point 4 to keep apricots healthy

Fight against cancer.

If you eat tomato products indigestion - the main source of lycopene here are excellent news for you. Apricots, dried, are another source of lycopene, a carotenoid incredible, which may help to prevent that from other types of cancer of the breast and prostate cancer. Although apricots as a good source of lycopene on 30, that the same amount as a food of tomato that improve during the day can dry more quickly have that you think lycopene.

Apricots are also a good source for the most famous carotenoid, which all - beta carotene. This powerful antioxidant, reduces the risk of certain types of stomach and intestine cancer. To obtain these benefits, experts recommend at least 5 milligrams of beta-carotene every time. It is equal to six fresh apricots.

Diseases of the heart stops.

Eat dried apricot as an aperitif can penetrate their levels of potassium, magnesium, beta carotene, iron, and copper. These nutrients contribute to the control of blood pressure and prevent heart disease. In addition, also few that five of the dried apricots, up to a maximum of 3 grams could take fiber, cholesterol scans your system can clog arteries.

Scaccia of waterfalls.

What you eat can affect your sight. Head of research for the study of the eye of the blue mountains, Dr. Robert g. Cumming, said: "our study confirms the importance of vitamin A, for the prevention of cataract". Cumming adds: "our general conclusion is that a balanced diet is to the health of your eyes."

Apricots are a good source of beta carotene, which transforms the body into vitamin a and several other nutrients of can be look after it.

Adds a long life.

Or not, some people claim are the secret of apricots, live to 120 years. Get this idea of Hunzas, a tribe living in the mountains of the Himalayas in Asia. Health problems common, including cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels, there is no in HUNZA. And researchers in question me, apricot, a large part of their diet are partly responsible. The Hunzas eat fresh from eating apricots and the rest of the sec during his long, cold winter.

Although dining in apricots cannot guarantee that you will be a long life, recent research suggests that small fruit can live a better life. The vitamins of Group b in apricots can protect with age-related mental health problems such as loss of memory and Alzheimer's disease.

Pointer pantry

Between June and August, the best fresh apricots in his supermarket the roles of the State of California and Washington. Keep your eyes open for the tastiest in the group. Take a beautiful skin orange, bright and it is blocky look. Avoid you the apricots with yellowish or greenish reflections and those which reduces strongly, or bruises.

Much like its cousin the apricot, peach, tires may at the extraction of the kitchen at room temperature. When sitting and save tires, a bag of paper and packaging cold smell. Stay fresh for several days.

During the winter months respond you to your request with apricot fruit imported from South America, or take advantage of apricot jam, jam, leaves and nectar.

You are sick or overweight? The food is that the problem can be

Every five years or to a new diet fad, which displays transformed into madness. Low carbohydrate supply take place. The popularity of the power of fashion is its ability to help you with fast weight loss. Some people who want to lose weight are so desperate, that it will be something. Many of these regimes lead to weight loss. The problem is that the longer impact on the rebound in the form of weight gain or, worse, a problem of health or poor vitamin develop it.

Problems that can occur when you are in a way the diet varies from mild to severe. Mild symptoms are headache, nausea, and diarrhea. Serious symptoms that can develop a fad diet are heart disease, hypertension, and high triglycerides. What complicates the problem is that most people are unaware that they have a problem with the progress of the condition to a dangerous level. It is one of the reasons for any deviation regime should first discuss it with your doctor.

The best way is, of course, consumed fewer calories to lose weight and the increase in the number of calories burned by not lose not more than two pounds per week. This method requires time and people who lose a significant amount of weight can be impatient. The possibility that weight gain is under certain conditions it may be associated with health. This is good news for people in this situation.

The reason that many people did not succeed a diet diet, why not usually good food sources of supply in the long term. The organization wishes to nutrient is missing. If no restrictive regime by your doctor recommended, you could food better be avoided, restrict a specific food group. A diet of fruits, vegetables, dairy, cereals and fat is the best way to lose weight. These foods are low in calories and are also useful to keep your body healthy. Take a multivitamin containing large amounts of calcium and potassium dichromate help you lose weight. These two items will help your body to metabolize fats, what is needed to lose weight. As with diet, the questions that you your doctor before taking complete a multivitamin with high doses of these elements.

To complete each day, and recommend to check, make sure that you check

Sabtu, 18 Juni 2011

HGH anti-aging

It is possible to reverse the physical decline, she stripped of the force and libido of their energy, can restore muscle tone and improve resistance; Anti-aging HGH is here safe, comfortable and easy to revive children (or), if you plan in advance to the dose again to help the magic of the years. Anti-aging HGH enhancers are now packaged with a mixture of reasonable to anti aging HGH booster, restoring healthy sexual excitement and want to improve mood, memory, and the healing of the wound and keep the feet of the chicken in the negotiations on the creatures winged from the Negro No. eye sky!

Say hello to your new best friend: introduction of HGH anti aging solutions for all

A faith often by many users of the Internet of today against aging, seek HGH supplements is that this anti-aging strategically marketed human growth hormone stimulant all bunk beds, which means that he confident, confident individuals that you really need the beneficial effects of this formula, but they are only snowshoes to make money on the Internet the day launched. No way to say otherwise, but they allow you to judge for themselves on confidence in our products, we have, which contain all the ingredients of mixtures of herbs and homeopathic, which act as natural levels of HGH enhancers, so the better for you product your body healthier scientifically in out. We also offer the possibility, online safely with a repayment guarantee of 90 days to buy to buy our products, as well to ensure that you can read reviews HGH against solutions today, including our aging more honest and more recent.

Anti-aging, HGH for those who need a safe and secure increased HGH Vitali and additional benefits to the skin tone and wording of the quality of the remedy for anti aging HGH solutions include essential amino acids and other ingredients for faster muscle repair, improved memory and improved function Inmunológicaentre other benefits. You are the best listening options.

That you know should complement buying HGH anti aging: the body and

Check with your physician about the need for his body, before secretagogue HGH choose additions to the HGH anti-aging very public or something to enhance HGH secretagogues. It is very important to know that your body needs stimulate advanced anti-aging HGH because it the same for all, high-dose formulation powerful HGH injections do not work. Who can see the results with the boundaries of the anterior pituitary or hypothalamic damage with anti aging HGH, and that these areas for the production of growth hormone have jurisdiction; diagnosed with any form of the functioning of the pituitary gland or interruption in the hypothalamus obtain no benefit with HGH secretagogues. On these immediate concerns, if it is detected these problems in the examination of physicians, recommended that still drive the bus back to the smallest appears sleep you under a medical opinion before experience pituitary and increase production with the purchase of spray or hormone pills human growth, anti-aging therapy. is where to go if you want to take into account and in the world of the young, beautiful appearance and positive feeling him smile.

Atkins destroyed competition.

Nutritionists, agree, today diet can lose weight in a large number of mainstream popular diets in the food industry. Success tip regime is to keep the weight of the part of the diet of the plan. CDC figures show the percentage of the diet, the extent, the loss of their weight five years after his goal, weight, is a very disappointing maintain 5%. Some research shows less than this figure. So the biggest challenge for the consumption of the community's weight loss step weight loss, but the maintenance, after a first defeat has been reached.

In the most important weight loss, nutrition consultant periods are their diet to varying degrees, but the diet of most those which transmit your program after can be traced to false. It is very similar to the problem of maintenance about than nutrition consultant. When one is told that he can clearly never enjoy a specific treatment for the rest of his life, reduce the likelihood that they can support a program. Dieter is responsible according to similar obstacles in the implementation of effective programs.

It is this low in carbohydrate diet one important part of the benefit of the counter. If it is only through a difficult period, vacations and holidays, Dieter known low carb upon receipt of the program, which can begin with a good steak and egg giant, followed by a chicken for lunch and drowned beautiful cream dill sauce dinner Rica peach for breakfast. The choice of the diet of another person is almost an invitation. Half of a delicious fruit of grapes and a food of delicious cheese for lunch and a few slices of Turkey Breast dry with Kohl in Brussels and low-fat vanilla yogurt, whole grain bread with tuna, mixed with a dressing followed by dinner. These are popular alternatives to the diet.

The most important factor of number one in the diet is primarily reacts with a low-carbohydrate diet. In the program as soon as I stumbled. The appeal of the offered food clearly promotes low carb Dieter. Although some special a more attractive option, most k peppers, onions, cheese omelette would choose option.

Prejudices against regimes rarely low carbohydrate answer empirically. The conventions have long been difficult to overcome, particularly in the field of health in a discipline. Here you will find that a professional with an open mind health conscious of their health consumers today can be one of the most difficult tasks for this.

Antioxidants: Eat all the colors!

Antioxidants are rage today. And for good reason. Antioxidants help neutralize free radicals that cause cell damage, leading to heart disease and cancer. It seems that the world is this blueberries and cranberries. The juice of wild blueberries, Blueberry-Pomegranate juice, blueberries red cranberry juice have the opportunity and so forth.

Now, don't you wrong. I love blueberries. But our tip to embrace the latest style of antioxidants in food (blueberries, cranberries, grenades) ignore certain foods high in antioxidants, which sit probably omitted in our offices.

"?" Application: "" it would be my superior antioxidants of beloved wild blueberries?"" Well, why red beans? It is true, that I said "beans". Small red beans has more antioxidants of wild blueberries of part of the size. And red kidney beans and pinto beans are antioxidants plus the size of a hand, he grows blueberries of the part.

What other foods are high in antioxidants? First of all, there is the heart of artichoke, BlackBerry, Plum, pecan nuts, spinach, cabbage, potatoes and blight and plums. And no, it is not an error. Late blight of potato are on the list of foods with high content of antioxidants.

The truth is that there are many foods with a high antioxidant content and is not simply a source of food. Why? Also you have heard the "eat colors make the expression"? That refers to the fact that the food of different colours "Families", which contains the various types of antioxidants have several advantages. The family of the yellow-orange color of fisheries and nectarines allows, for example, our immune system. The family of purple red colour of the food (fruits, pomegranates, plums) help reduce inflammation. It is important to consume foods from all groups of colors, all the benefits of antioxidants.

The good news is that you are healthy foods with a high content of antioxidants (raw, cooking food or press themselves) can eat without having to pay antioxidant juice, in supermarkets high prices for the "flavour of the month" occurs.

Now, the society of blueberries on the table. Load some grains, spinach, potatoes and artichokes hearts and take advantage of its antioxidants!

Are you lactose intolerant?

Do you know someone who eats step of milk or dairy products? The condition is not uncommon, and these people are classified as lactose intolerance.

Lactose is the most important carbohydrates or sugar in milk and in varying amounts, in dairy products such as milk, ice cream, yogurt, cheese and sweet butter. Intolerance to lactose (milk sugar) the result of the inability to digest lactose in the gut.

Get the only time where a person include never lactose when they were infants to their mother's milk in the cave of the days. During his life, milk was never completed. Only with the invention of agriculture is that milk for adults was available. Lactose is unique, because it is only to milk as a free form, in conjunction with other molecules.

Docauses an intolerance to lactose?

Lactose is digested in the digestive tract enzyme called lactase. This enzyme helps the lactose of break of body in two sugars simple, glucose and galactose. They are quickly absorbed by the intestine and provide energy for the body. The amount of the enzyme lactase varies between individuals and the severity of symptoms, by intolerant to lactose.

What are the symptoms of lactose intolerance?

The symptoms of abdominal complaints, swelling and excessive server wind zone abdominal cramps and diarrhea.

It therefore contains lactose food substitutes

In General, lactose is not serious and can be controlled by a few simple changes in your diet. Changes in the diet of the lactose intolerance should contain the exclusion of food high in lactose. There are now lots of yogurt fresh soybean and ice cream, lactose, and calcium enriched milk. Many dairy products are actually lactose soon or he cannot continue to enjoy.

Power of soy protein

Growing very healthy reasons soy products. The humble soybean has some exceptional benefits. Lactose, soy protein are a "complete" protein that contains all the amino acids in the right balance to meet the needs of your body. Soy protein are the only vegetable protein which is complete. This great replacement for many types of meat, so that more saturated fat and cholesterol in your diet to remove.

While the soybean has much to offer on proteins because they contain many nutrients such as isoflavones, many of which are attention now in the workplace. Soy protein improved to maintain the capacity of the Organization and better absorb calcium in the bones. Soy isoflavones reduce bone loss and bone breakdown by inhibiting.

Revenue from soybean lactose

There are many recipes of soybean wonderful you can all the benefits of soy... without the traditional taste of soy. See link for more information following.

"Drinking water revealed fraud."

(Free publication)

Read this article until you can pay for drinking water.

It would be good, we poisoning of pollution of drinking water or to stop the damage to health? For its part, I felt that I would like to find a source of drinking water. (Ideally, it would become the cock and they come)!

It is the treatment of cancer with magnets or herbs of the wonders or Vioxx appeal, we have all seen fantastic claims people make on their health and change life in how your products together! I dis you now who was 90% were. You also need to sacrifice some of this fraud, selling trends of fashion. Me too. I bought several kinds of drinking water, I do not remember. (If a lie is repeated several times, is the "truth").

Finally, after so many disappointments I I fed. I decided on the reason for this request go to ensure that all the world, our most basic food of the water will keep in good health for us, it must be bad.

I have commercial sites without end and a number of pages of the University and the Government. and had been dismayed by what I found most of the time: - information information outdated or repeated other sites Web Silvestre claims and reimbursements sensational-step - no search, etc....

I knew that we do not surrender by the presence of the own tap in the year 2000 can.

In particular, I found: a) mineral water: a real smorgasbord of quality, often not filtered tap water for recharge scandalous and sold an environmental cost.

(b) and reverse osmosis distilled water: completely ignored medical evidence of the dangers of the fairy of the drinking water of the momekngeltengat minerals, acids and oxidant.

I quickly understood that these products useless, überteuerten - or potentially harmful in the long term have been. And businesses have been smiling at the Bank.

However I managed to find the products that have been treated well and legitimate: ioniseurs and some filters from the water. I found two sites Web offers reliable water purifier comparisons: and (While the first of these sites acid in drinking water does not correct the problem, which is simple in its assessment the different water filters).

I hope that they are deceived by the false statements and consult these resources for his health.

Jumat, 17 Juni 2011

An overview of vitamin B5

Vitamin B5 is also acid Pantothenic. Vitamin B5 is the most prolific all vitamins and are found in all types of food. In fact, it is impossible that they consume less vitamin B5, who has a need of a person. This means that it is not the less possible that a person can have a vitamin B5 deficiency. For this reason, no not really recommended daily amount is that health professionals can claim, gets each consumption more than enough of their normal food. Even if it is not necessary to calculate that a recommended daily intake not vitamin B5 is not crucial for a healthy body and spirit. In fact necessarily vitamin food energy, among other functions in B5. Vitamin B5 is responsible for the intake of fats and carbohydrates into energy.

Some B5 vitamin found in almost all animal or vegetable food. Obviously, there are some sources of vitamin B5, which are better than others, but a balanced diet provides more than enough. Foods with the highest content of vitamin B5 include offal, salmon, eggs, beans, milk and cereals. It is interesting to note that vitamin B5 is lost in the meal of beans are crushed and back tends to be not wrapped not in. Therefore, processing of foods such as wheat, rice, pasta, cereal for breakfast, pastries, bread and no good sources of vitamin B5.

It is more effective in combination with other B vitamins, especially thiamine vitamin B1 B2, riboflavin, niacin or or vitamin B3, Pyridoxine or vitamin B6 and vitamin B5 biotin. With these other vitamin B, vitamin B5 is part of a series of processes. More important still, production of energy from the food they eat, and it is known as the cycle of the wing. Vitamin B5 is also necessary to release the energy from fat.

Interestingly, vitamin B5 is also it is useful reduce stress. It is mainly because during times of tension, the body produces more of certain hormones such as adrenaline and vitamin B5. There are several theories about the benefits of vitamin B5, but it is not necessary that most people are actively looking for foods that are rich in B5, since it is likely that consumes much more than what is already required. It is to have no harmful effect to high levels of vitamin B5.

Learn more about vitamin B5 here.

10 Ways to get more antioxidants in the diet

It is not a secret that antioxidants are very beneficial for good health. It is believed that the antioxidants in food to prevent cancer, reverse or aging can help to slow down, strengthen the immune system to boost your energy and improve the health of the heart and other organs.

Given all that we know about antioxidants and other beneficial properties, is it surprising that people are not more enough fruits and vegetables, the main sources of antioxidants. Experts recommend at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day, but it is preferable to obtain pieces of 7-10.

There are 10 steps for more of the antioxidants in the diet.

(1) Breakfast should not rush his departure from the toaster tart door. Throw some strawberries, yogurt, and 100% juice in a blender. Pour your delicious mix in a cup and the door. Simply add one or three servings of fruit for the daily intake. Or throw some fruits in hot or cold cereal.

Saying that you don't really have time in the morning and are generally something in the execution. Here, the arches of gold can be useful. Order a perfect fruit and yogurt and some sections of Apple. You have a breakfast for about $2, one or two servings of fruit.

Snack 2, here is a simple way, more antioxidants in foods. That such a handful of raisins for a snack or some fresh red grapes? Soak a few strawberries in the yogurt. You're feeling decadent, but arrays provide the color you are looking for. Knirschen be? By what some humus carrots? Consider the possibility, a handful of nuts of contraction and a momentum of good antioxidant.

(3) for lunch and dinner may seem trivial, but add a salad to anyone who can add loads to your health and general well-being of their daily meals. You may not be boring, and it should not only green salad. If you add red pepper salad items or cakes Greek Salad, some Cranberry tomatoes in their green field. Improvising a salad for lunch, or adventurous broccoli and mix a salad of rice with a mixture of vegetables such as tomatoes, peppers, beans and red onions.

4 Dessert berries, with or without cream or chocolate are wonderful stop one day eat healthy, so rich in antioxidants.

5 Replace, its soft with tea or coffee beverages, which have antioxidant compounds. You have a glass of wine with dinner or for a real change, for a glass of Chai tea.

(6), which, we know that we can get our antioxidant solution, fruit, salads and others, but researchers say out of the box, that antioxidants are also in a variety of foods such as apples of Earth, artichokes, rust and small red beans. Grain can say more expert power, blueberries, antioxidant. As for the rice salad, vegetables, full add a few more antioxidants vegetables.

7 Kitchen think a little that you are well, preparation of vegetables for dinner every evening of his family. But if boil vegetables during cooking is a lot of positive properties of antioxidants. Steam bath (not boiling) cooking stop, if they have all their bright colors and most of them bite and vegetables.

8 Plant, experts believe a garden that people who have planted and they are much more likely fruit more harvesting vegetables in their gardens and eat vegetables, that people, as their products from the store to buy. It grow and eat (literally) the fruits of their work, see grow you like a garden.

9 take a vacation, that the way to vacation as an opportunity, a Festival for all, including healthy eating many of us go to check your healthy diet. I think that in the holiday as a way to introduce new foods. Order a plate of vegetables interesting in a restaurant and look at prepared as the Cook of the Court.

How to cook when it open bags and boxes of 10 learn to cook. Cook includes washing and peeling the vegetables, the preparation of food, and pay attention to things like cooked. If you order each evening, it is much less likely to eat food and natural fruits and vegetables, the basis for our consumption of antioxidants.

Practical approach to healthy eating

I have pumps for five days per week for over 25 years. My arms are sufficient, but not all night. I am the squats for a few weeks or months and then killed. Push ups, make a habit if you constantly get the results that I have.

It is the same for a healthy diet. Never you eat healthy food, healthy. Must be in good health to eat, a habit, if you want to get the nutritional health. Jump train on the people "Band" eat healthy to read books or websites about nutrition. While many of these books and Web sites tell you that you should eat healthy, be, they do not learn to make a habit of eating healthy. If in a short period of time temptations, when people see in their old unhealthy habits.

What is a habit? According to the Webster dictionary, a habit is "A model of behaviour acquired through frequent or physiological repetition, which increases in the regularity of the function or performance".

You will see that if we only this principle for healthy food on our way of vibration of health?

Bad habits: poor eating habits grow overnight. For most people, these habits are beginning to form, when they were children. If one of the reasons why many adults time they lack of poor eating habits were difficult, as an important part of his life were those habits for many years.

Why eat?

There are two main reasons, why we eat that food. A door on the supply of fuel for our body. The other reason is for fun. Unfortunately, some foods are unhealthy joy American.

Most people take their food selection based on what you see, smell or taste. You can see these three sentences: cake is well! This cake good scents! Circular course taste!

Please note that all three statements of food and pleasure bring. But the food, the fun (in this case, the cake) can produce or not can be good for you nutritionally. It is why he must be careful in our choice of food and not only the leave until our senses of sight, taste, or smell.

Healthy food can be beautiful: some people think that healthy eating also dull and boring. I believe that one of the reasons that believes that this way is, because the ads, to promote food with high calories, fat or sugar and only a small percentage of food, advertising for fruits, vegetables, cereals and grain. Fine, would be to it were more nutritional education, more and more people of healthy and tasty food.

Healthy eating habits changed my life: my wife tells me go to the doctor for a balance in 1998. ? He was not wrong, but said that it was a good idea to get an annual physical examination. I heard it thank God.

I have my athletic life. Run 18 miles a week. Therefore expect us when I went to the doctor not step to hear that the bad news has given me. He said, he had borderline diabetes.

Diabetes can be very dangerous untreated. It is one of the main causes of death in the United States. It is a disease of the pancreas produces insulin production all you need to regulate blood sugar.

My doctor told me that must bring in drugs, but suggested that they start to read books on healthy foods. This was the beginning of my journey of healthy eating habits, which has helped my health. Today, I can say that I was in excellent health. Feel great, I sor well, told me that you look at step at my age, maintain a healthy weight, I am not all take drugs, my blood pressure is normal, my blood sugar is normal, my cholesterol is normal, my immune system is strong and the list is long.

It is good in good health and thank God to be. However, I do not think that I am in good health because of the possibility. I firmly believe that is one of the main reasons that I am in good health personal responsibility for my health. Make a habit of eating healthy, is a large part of this responsibility. Our physical bodies are the laws that are controlled by adequate food. If you do not comply with these laws, are constantly eating unhealthy foods, we ill.

They are the foods that endanger you your health food?

(Food and water) is the absolute first thing you need to protect his life. No, they wither and die. You need food for nutrition and food. But they are foods that we eat today good solid food supply or some of you are slowly his health and take years to steal his life?

Here are some tips to keep in mind: the dangers of eating beef (especially pork, red meat, like beef) is unhealthy, especially if you are consumed in large quantities. Certain types of meat, like beef, can take up to 72 hours to digest. Therefore, if you eat meat twice or three times a day, it is still food possible summary, who had breakfast, the other day, he returned with is during another series of it.

This explains why the meat not digested even in many systems reveals several autopsies 5 up to 40 pounds. Now, imagine how unhealthy it is if the animal which has been treated with antibiotics, meat and other supporters of artificial health? These chemicals remain in the fibres of meat. and no amount of washing, cooking or until they get rid. You want to eat?

Therefore, many people is now immune to antibiotics for the people. Swallow antibiotics for animals and antibiotics more kill the good and bad bacteria in the human body. More most meat treated chemically, weaknesses the body's defense mechanisms. This risk is further increased when treated meat with conservation officers, artificial flavors.

The locks taken note many fish eat "fresh" on the market today with conservation officers, is responsible for in their "freshness". Some use formalin, a chemical in the body human embalming used to prevent the fish caught. Some abusive provider may fish that is the color of the color or food textile washing marketed for these fish a look "cool". Their safety guaranteed and the nutrient fish, enjoy the benefits that they buy only from reliable sources.

Precautions, consume of bread which are difficult to digest the many types of bread. Long and difficult to keep track of their residues, blocks can form in the intestine. Also, eat white bread really quickly increased sugar in the blood of his body. Bread is an alternative food healthier than white bread as better nutrition, but a lot of bread are still product preservation because they are produced commercially. "" "Make sure you that it is made with wheat flour" "and not"enriched wheat flour"." You check always the ingredients just to be certain.

Chemicals in food, in addition to the values of the diet reduced, large quantities of food is now treated with harmful chemicals. Washing, cooking and simmer long hours of work may reduce chemicals in food, but these pollutants are not deleted. Peeling skin fruit although security is not guaranteed.

Imagine swallowing and collect all the fertilizers and pesticides in your body. She wondered, that is why we have today many deadly diseases who were at the time of our ancestors?

Better bugs know. Touch not the crops with pesticides. For this reason, you will find that these cultures with no sign of bites of insects on the market are sold. People to buy, because they look clean and delicious. I know not these external appearances hide internal threats, buy food. Some people think that it is a good choice for eating fruits and vegetables, which show insect bites.

Fruits and vegetables that they are treated with pesticides and fertilizers (and they are given to livestock in the diet) are also processing artificial to extend their "freshness". You are with the Conservatives, treaties which means more chemicals. Some instant noodles are treated with wax, which can cause cancer. We know that these noodles in some countries are prohibited?

As terribly missing real treaties, food nutrition, their suppliers sometimes these synthetic vitamins, and they spent as "factors more" for good health, whereas in reality. Often, these synthetic vitamins do little or nothing for you, or in some cases can be very harmful.

You want a long, happy life and health, are always the search for the presence of preservatives in food. See the labels and whether some of the ingredients may be harmful to health.

Kamis, 16 Juni 2011

A nutritious diet of travel

A nutritious food during the voyage can do the most difficult things. However, if you learn to make informed decisions, a healthy diet is really not difficult. Change your power options in food easily on the journey, House are as difficult as it may seem all first, it is likely does not start the best time for a healthy diet, but health currently already.

If you travel by plane, the diet may be necessary, food of the aircraft, which contain, can often be of low nutritional value depending on the selection. If your votre réservation reservation of flight, you ask that your food options, questions if she flat vegetarian? Vegetarian dishes are sometimes more diet in this case, but it's really that can be used. If you a large meal before the flight, food, eat so the full meal, which is used to feel full.

Drive or take a bus, you may be tempted to stop restaurants and eat fast food meals. Avoid this, you can! If you are on vacation, you can have a little small, but waste fast food more than once a week for their health can be harmful. If necessary, choose healthy as chicken breast drinks options and diet.

Also, keep in mind that you eat can take when you travel. Make a bread or PITA wraps, some lean lean breakfast and cheese in the refrigerator is an excellent medium, rich in fat and high food to avoid wastage of food cholesterol. He is best options and saves lot of money. Before you contact the questions of whether there is a refrigerator in his hotel room.

Finally, intelligent decisions you are eating. If you salads and pasta you get the dressing and low carbohydrate options questions. In fact, several places print directly to the menu options for food conscious of their health. You have orders that their allocations by sizes food or menu lunch in a bag of doggie Division and control and he eats on the way to healthy, even away from home.

Eat healthy food while traveling can be a challenge even. However, his State of health of disorder is of value. More eat high levels of nutrition support in the fight against diseases that may arise in a move and will note that they can take advantage of their trip.

(B) important complex vitamins B6

If most of the people the word "anemia of mie", which hear railway immediately. But a lack of vitamin B6 can cause a kind of anemia, since this vitamin is essential for the healthy generation of hemoglobin in the blood of a normal person in good health. You can also bind vitamin B6 with sugar diabetes, and because one of the important characteristics is that this vitamin to adjust the amount of sugar in the blood.

Vitamin B6 is also known as pyridoxine. There cannot be many people who have heard of a severe deficiency of vitamin B6, and there is good reason to do so. It is so easy to many foods, which received a fairly simple thing, your servings recommended vitamin B6 daily is available.

Some usual sources of vitamin B6 are tuna, roast beef, tomato, trout juice, pork and peanut butter. Course, cereals are fortified with vitamins are excellent sources and many offer 100% of the needs of the organization. Three complete offer of bananas raw includes the provision of a day vitamin B6 are necessary. A half-areas (including skin potatoes) offers one-third of the daily requirements. It assesses that foods rich in vitamin shows that many people is already compatible with daily B6.

What are the dangers, have too little vitamin B6 in their daily diet? Recent studies indicate that a deficiency of this vitamin factor at the risk of certain types of heart disease and stroke to determine is. This means that the persons with disabilities suffer instead of these health problems that their counterparts get an adequate amount of vitamin B6.

Depression is another problem may be influenced by a vitamin B6 deficiency. Although it may be some differences of opinion on the role and the importance of the B6 and depression, it seems, a connection that can step be refused. Is depression as one of the symptoms of vitamin B6 deficiency in the diet.

There are some risks too take B6. The nerves, especially at the outer ends are sometimes damaged by overdose on vitamin B6 body. Easy to eliminate most often any supplement appears to suppress the nervous unrest. It is unlikely that a normal person to work enough vitamin B6 for a normal diet can use at this level and more likely, B6 because too many additions to these serious effects too, contain vitamin B6.

10 Rules can break the diet

It really rules diet out there claiming to be broken? Yes, many of the basic rules for food and myths are recently speculation. You've probably heard all this before, but this stupid expert rules against the dignity of this supposed truisms - most of which help to lose weight, or diet what is easier to weigh.

Food 10 cannot ignore the rules: 1. dinner at night accumulates in the book. Total calories consumed during a period of 24 hours or a week, that causes weight to win, and if they these calories any food. ?

2. it is better eating at the same time each day. Eat, if hungry, not when the clock says it is time to eat.

Take 3 diet with a friend always makes you easy weight loss. Not pay the common objectives, but the weight loss is a personal journey.

4 Fat canned food feels more complete, so I'm less food. Bold, takes more time to digest, but you will help control the appetite. Food probably fight hunger are already foods rich in protein, followed by carbohydrates, fats.

(5) If their diet is injected, as you come back the next day on the right track. Far for the pursuit of the truth did not immediately once again on the runway with the next meal.

6 Refusing food at the party, or if you visit it's rude. The food processing, fly will know their diet is socially acceptable.

A meal helps 7 pass from time to time you lose. Skip meals mean that it y hungry in the next meal, probably eating too much. This may also help lead to a decrease in metabolism.

8 bread is fattening, nuts is mast, mast is pasta. All / mass of wheat bread is to acquire a great source of nutrients to weight more than any other food product with the same number of calories and not.

9. all the calories are the same. However, this is somewhat true, you get more nutrients of Apple 100 calories, a group of 100 calories in white bread. Select healthier items if they lose weight or hunger control.

10 Otherwise clean your plate, you lose food. If you do feel comfortable simply leave the table until they have cleaned their plate underestimate their hunger and less food on the plate or can food in abundance.

I think that any of what you hear! A large part of which is just superstition. You can now tell the truth to his friends. Rules keep love finding experts in nutrition, food and many foods are broken down: guilt-free!

Some omega-3 fish oil.

Frage: Was ganzes Getue über Omega-3-Fischöl ist das? Was tun sie, um meinen Körper?

Antwort: Omega 3 Fischöle sind eine Substanz, die im Körper der Fische gefunden werden kann. Essen frisch Fisch ist nicht jedoch nicht empfohlen wird. Die Konzentrationen von Quecksilber, die in fast allen frischen Fisch weit verbreitet in diesen Tagen sind können sehr schädlich für die Gesundheit breast. Jedoch wurden Fischöl Unternehmen, die frei von Quecksilber ist durch die Verarbeitung von Dezentraler, die in natÿrlich Fisch für. Omega-3 ist eine Art von Fett, die für die menschliche Gesundheit sind wichtig. Omega-3 enthält zwei Fettsäuren, dass deutlich menschlichen Körpers, die als DHA EPA bekannt sind und zugunsten.

Diese Fettsäuren haben um zu companies, Herzerkrankungen, Krebs und anderen Krankheiten in Verbindung gebracht. DHA ist auch das menschliche Gehirn erforderlich. Geringe Mengen year DHA im Gehirn wurden mit Depression, schizophrenia, Gedächtnisverlust und eher von Alzheimer-Krankheit betroffen sein. Daher kann regelmäßige und wiederholte Verbrauch von Omega-3-Fischöl helfen, die ihr Leben zum besseren erheblich beeinträchtigen.

Der American Heart Association recommends die Verwendung von Fischöl zu helfen, seine Leistung der Herzen, während weniger als 3 g / Tag Dosierung, was auf einen Betrag zwischen ca. 0. 5 zu 1. 8 Gramm pro Tag. Klinische Studien haben gezeigt, dass Omega-3-Fischöl Herz-Kreislauf-Ereignisse, einschließlich Herzinfarkte, Strichen und sogar Tod verringern können.

Darüber hinaus hat gezeigt, daß Fischöle helfen können, verringern das Risiko von Arrhythmien, Triglyzeride senken Sie, verringern die Wachstumsrate von atherosklerotischen und etwas niedriger Blutdruck plate. MIT all diese Fakten sicherlich verwenden die regelmäßige und verantwortlich von Omega 3 Fischölergänzungen von großem Nutzen für die Gesundheit sein können.

Für das, was nicht unsere Anleitung zur Ernährung im funds wird, auch was ich persönlich verwenden, um unsere ernährungsphysiologischen Bedürfnisse und in ergänzen?

Advice of diet to reduce rheumatic and inflammatory pain

Inflammation is an important component of rheumatic or rheumatic diseases, thereby reducing to eat lots of food, inflammation of drying and to reduce the consumption of food containing inflammatory agents. Here are some simple dietary tips, reducing rheumatic conditions: things you should eat fish to reduce rheumatism, fatty fish, fish oil, olive oil, oil Groove and oil are part of their diet. Fat in these types of foods, Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids - or unsaturated Omega-9 fatty acids reduce inflammation, polished. However, if you add this type of oil to your diet, the inclusion of other types of fat, should reduce, you is why step too thick.
You should also eat many vegetables, that even a chemical in the body to reduce inflammation.

Things should not eat eat too much not too soybean oil and corn oil, because these types of fat may increase inflammation. Most of the food that you buy that he understand these types of dietary fat from the factory or the restaurant. Therefore, you must reduce the consumption of foodstuffs is not even Cook.

Bread, cereals and corn grain even increase inflammation response or, in particular, if contain wheat. Wheat, means that a special type of intestinal inflammation can cause known as celiac in some individuals, but also not of celiac inflammation. Corn in full-grain and corn bread filling food types are valuable, however, it has to stop to eat. But if, bread or corn at every meal, produced food, you reduce the recording this and eat potatoes, beans and peas are more.

Ideally, you are not all should be eating things should definitely fatty consume you, which has been modified chemically, gives you another texture. This type of fat can arthritis affects very negative health and very powerful agents. Margarine, snacks, food fast and prepared cakes and cookies often contain this type of fat. Unfortunately, this type also added fat often bread. Only bread can be a good idea.

Rabu, 15 Juni 2011

A vegetarian diet can be really better for human beings humans, of people. (Part 1)

I have a vegetarian diet - or more precisely said vegetarian diet for about 10 years and although the first were three false based on my actions of disinformation, which were last 7 or so where in my life. Not only this way of life this diet believe the main reason why he was able, terrible case of acne, cure also miraculously healed my general lethargy bad breath (to the point that I have ne said honestly no morning blast called) and asthma.

The benefits of a vegetarian diet led to me many Member States to convince such a change of diet. It is the main reason why now are written this article to their construction if a way of life of the diet you are interested.

From the commonly used non-vegetarian popular article and justify why substances which must be eliminated or drastically reduced food.

Vegetarian food: reasons to avoid, for meat and meat products - are of the belief that a meat eating can be highly beneficial to the health of the applicant. Fruits and raw vegetables contain Ascorbic acid to prevent various diseases properties. However, meat may be affected by these diseases feared, such as intestinal worms, etc....

Many physicians do not only want their patients to eat meat, rheumatism, to relieve gout. Dr. Russo Buteyko advises all asthmatics to refrain from all animal products and processed foods. This discipline has many Ventolin helped give an asthmatic. I am living proof. Meat is a State of decomposition, produced a variety of toxins, uric acid and mucus in the body.

You are very unbalanced and excessive amounts of protein almost completely absent in calcium and vitamins stimulate growth while that contains minerals. Experiences reported by Farger and Walpole in the journal of Physiology and pathology shows that meat rot contain many toxic substances, including some pressure increase because why not doctors, want to be patient with hypertension.

If you eat meat or meat, eating only a kind of say, once or twice a week, then a lot of green leaves and vegetables force-less daily in very small quantities and are very well distributed and some.

Draw on other elements of the non-consumed vegetarian and present the reasons by which it should... not be eaten, and why a vegetarian diet can be considered to improve and maintain the physical, mental and spiritual health.

7 Reasons why should use coconut oil

It is a common misconception that coconut oil is bad for you. People around the world experience of the benefits in health of the use of coconut oil. It is really a healthier oils that can be used. Here are seven reasons why the oil of coconut as an alternative to other popular cooking oils must use.

1 Coconut oil change not as fat in the body.

In contrast to many other oils like (plant) of corn and soybean oil fatty coconut not you. Coconut oil (MCT) contains medium chain triglycerides, some easy fuel for the body fat of the burn, without resorting to the. Several other fats and cooking oils wastewater containing triglycerides long chain (TCL). TOTAL are stored as fat. Because coconut oil is an MCT, are more easily absorbed and energy more quickly converted.

People in the tropics have left centuries as traditional foods in their diet on coconut. Consume large quantities of coconut oil, every day. Square thicker assistance, he you stay them healthy, slim and trim. If it moves to our modern oils oil of coconut that you develop obesity and the health problems of our modern society.

Other people who know the truth for a long time, are people in the food market. Be fed if cattle with oil plant, fat and more fat to produce meat. If you tired of coconut oil, are very low.

2 Coconut oil increases metabolism.

You can not only transform the coconut oil in the energy in your body faster, increase metabolism, which promotes weight loss. Because it increases metabolism, body contributes to your more efficient combustion of fats.

Coconut oil can burn their calories triple. Coconut oil is an MCT, transformed so quickly that generate much heat energy. In a study, nutrition MCT burn published in the American Journal of clinical three times more than six hours after a meal with TBI by report calories.

Question on 15 February 2005, in the life of the journal of women, said that the "secret underground high metabolism" coconut oil.

This is excellent news for the people, the problems of the thyroid gland, since coconut improves thyroid lazy by stimulating the production of thyroid hormones. The other most common such as corn and vegetables (soya) showed oils, inhibit the function of the thyroid gland.

3 Coconut oil has Omega-3 fatty acids.

We have included more acid Omega-6 fatty cooking oil, something to the United States. Our Omega 6 Omega-3 ratio of 1: 1, but the closest is 50: 1. We must significantly reduce our oil Omega-6 and consume more Omega-3 oil, in good health. Coconut oil is filled with these healthy Omega-3 fatty acids.

4. The coconut oil is energy.

Healthy Omega-3 fatty acids and the fact that increases the metabolism, most people who spend at coconut oil feel a burst of energy in everyday life.

This is because coconut oil is the richest source of triglycerides of medium chain (TCM) to increase the metabolic rate and cause weight loss. MCT promoting Thermogenesis, which increases the metabolism of the body, energy production.

This is because coconut oil is the richest source of triglycerides of medium chain (TCM) to increase the metabolic rate and cause weight loss. MCT promoting Thermogenesis, which increases the metabolism of the body, energy production. Many people with the syndrome of chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia syndrome found that the addition of coconuts and coconut, of oil in their diet has been useful.

5. one of the best things that you can use in the skin and hair is coconut oil.

Coconut oil is one of the best things that can be applied directly on the skin and hair. It provides temporary relief of problems of skin like skin rash. Helps to heal and restore the skin a younger appearance. It is also known, people suffer from infections by fungi aid in the skin, and many other skin problems.

Skin not only fresh and smooth, coconut oil is an antioxidant that protects the skin against the damage of free radicals. Coconut oil massage oil is very good.

6 Coconut oil has healthy use, we do most other oils.

Evidence that the coconut oil is antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral if both consumed locally and used in the skin of growth.

Most oils oxidized and outdated very quickly damage of free radicals in our body. Coconut oil is not easily rust and not cause any malicious damage radical free several unsaturated oils. Damage of free radicals are planned, responsible for many problems in our body of arthritis increased susceptibility to cancer.

Coconut oil helps to more efficiently absorb nutrients such as vitamin e our body as well.

7 Coconut oil is one of the best oils that can be used for cooking.

It has a height of smoke with olive oil, which means that you can take advantage of the best higher temperatures. There are several Omega-3 oils in health, consume, such as linseed oil and olive oil, but not good in high heat that we use for cooking. Coconut oil can be used in la cuisine of high-temperature la majority.

It is more difficult for obsolete coconut oil, contrary to the other rancid cooking oil usually are much higher lead even in their homes. Rancid oils cause damage of the radical in the body, which is the main cause of cancer. Coconut oil is stable at room temperature more than a year.

Because of disinformation that gave us many years, we have lost the healthy benefits of coconut oil is the people in the tropics for centuries. But he rediscovered summer now! Coconut oil is so effective, that is that we see not long ago, promoted from coconut oil supplements, but can jump in the popular crowd and start eating and cooking with coconut oil, today!

Ten tips for a healthy football season

The word go appears to be the offer of the football season a variety of reasons, bad to eat. It is that the working day begins in the vicinity and in the past for the new year. Usually bring food and beverages, which are so delicious, but negative effects during this period of the year, containing our eating habits.
So thinking that I love someone that you enjoy the season of football (for MS) and the clothes that she wore during the off season can always match. 10 Are below, perhaps it could help to achieve this objective, because no brainers may seem, but if you take you another year survive, without moving the size of beyond. Take advantage of the season.

1. first things diet believe first of all, even during the summer season. It is against any new diet. The main objective of our favourite season is to keep the weight. In this way, you can participate in your favorite drink and snacks without any guilt.
(Other 2) a good way to avoid the packin' ' ' e is when remain seated and away from the table of food.
3. some simple and tasty. I recommend a bad or something is light with wheat bread, so it has something to eat healthy. It is a society (I think that the title the boss in his name), which has sold bread, sauces and that no one can and is healthy alternative to regular sandwiches. Ask any woman where you will find a mixture of beer bread, wife or girlfriend.
4 Drinks tend to Favorites for much of this time of year, as appropriate in the selection. If you have a cocktail, try something like a light diet of alcohol and beverages, beer light or ultra light or a glass of wine. I know that wine is not scream, but it is an alternative. Keep in mind that this fate thoughtful step painful, but good.
5. good or bad, football matches tend to slow down, use this option for their benefit and participates in food and beverages at a slow pace. More slow scales the hypothesis that the best opportunity, 38 spring come to implementation.
(6) The persecution of children or walking, it is be sure to keep a surf training activity in a particular different sofa and channel type. The winter is very difficult for many people with cold and dark, that is why some activities helps you to obtain or maintain physical and mental sharpness.
7 Foods at home before the football stadium, or the House of friends. This should help to prevent a complete immersion in the food and beverage. Faith, when I say feel you much better knowing that you me as buttoning side that it does not take with pants, abdominal pain or pressure.
8 Eat a few chickens, not the whole chicken wings. I think it's clear and best of all, which applies to all foods! And anyway, if you want that all their New Jersey Dallas Terrell Owens spots.
9. You have the possibility to organize a football match, vegetables and snacks keep the stack of the chances of his side of the wings and pizza. I mean, really, what to pay attention to what we eat while we, a game to see men. The cracking and cold drinks, our food, we are in the sky.
10. this rule applies throughout the year. Avoid fast food joints. It may seem a good idea, while he is on his game, but we all know that it meets and ends.


7 Reasons why grow your own organic garden

Over the past decades, which has been a shift towards homogenization and the mechanization of agriculture, uses pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers synthetic additives, mass production techniques. This is clearly affect the health of mankind, and new diseases spread quickly among the people and animal (avian influenza is the most recent).

The World Health Organization created to show reports, such as the use of chemicals and other products for human consumption, and the manufacturing process, really a threat to our health.

If you space for certain ships or even a small piece of land, it is a wise decision, your own organic garden grow. Today I present you with seven reasons for this: 1. additives in vegetables do not need. Research of organic food associations showed that additives in foods can cause heart disease, osteoporosis, migraines and hyperactivity.

2 Will be used without pesticides or synthetic fertilizers. These chemicals are applied for all the plague of cultures regardless of time or weather conditions and deterioration of the quality of vegetables. In addition, pesticides are often toxic to humans.

3 Vegetables are not genetically modified (GM). Antibiotics, hormones and drugs are used in vegetables, always more to grow. One of the consequences of this practice are vegetables which all have the same appearance and are usually fade. In addition, late dining of hormones used in vegetables with potential risks to health.

4 your own organic food will be much healthier for you vegetable. Contains no products or chemicals, the above can be viewed and are much more natural than those found in supermarkets. Health are not at risk, because then you know that nothing has been added to your vegetables.

(5) organic vegetables are much more acceptable. The use of pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, hormones and antibiotics are abnormal and grow vegetables, take the taste of them. With organic vegetables, improve you your kitchen completely as your tastes.

6. agro is ecological. Is, why do pesticides pas or another use, while also damaging their vegetables, you will not violate the soil and the air with the chemical components. ?

(7) To develop their own organic vegetables on their own self take the viability and sustainability of the planet. Smaller communities have been put in place, where members swap products, naturally a friendly match and the best place for each of us help to create.

At the end only you eat organic products that are no longer add their, which of course would mean. As you can imagine, additives, fertilizers, pesticides or hormones are not grown naturally from food components. For the best care for his health, he raised his own organic vegetables and everything you need is some pots.

A way and fun of juicy see vitamins

While the children want to great taste, he wants that vitamins, minerals and fibre more needs you body. Serve watermelon and you can be happy.

Watermelon is a fun, nutritious way to ensure that active children are not dehydrated; It is 92% water.

A part of both watermelon Cup is an excellent source of vitamins A, B6 and (c) and offers 7% daily value of potassium, only 80 calories.

Water melon is fat-free / non-fat, and they also contain fiber. Its beautiful red colour comes from natural lycopene, an antioxidant, maintain healthy organs of children.

Watermelon can be consumed at any meal, breakfast, lunch or dinner and is a wonderful for the whole family. Delicious on their own, a water melon in recipes, also is. Previously only treat a delicious summer, water melon is now all year.

Carving watermelon is a great addition to breakfast, children, and the birthday boy or girl can help to do so. Salad is simple as a mixture of blueberries, grapes, melon balls and green melon watermelon seedless. It is colorful and love for children.

Instructions for the segment of fish in water melon 1/4 inch at the bottom of the vertical size to a stable base.

Spoon, cut egg-and-DART more when the delete half of the upper part of the watermelon in a rectangular and aside form. This piece will be used for the top and the caudal fin.

Dig the meat.

You cut the shape of the fin on the tail and melon balls exhibit rectangular room have already been filed. Close the fin and tail with solid toothpicks, tours.

Cut out the eyes with a spoon. Cut outside the orbit of the eye and add it in the back, the side split of.

Cut to the mouth, a cut at an angle over the mother and the sector by 3 inches on both sides of the stem through the crust. Push out of the mouth and the Interior. Side fin, cut the part of the Court of 3 use a spoon, as curves of the back end. You interrupted cuts directly to the upper and lower fin.

Selasa, 14 Juni 2011

Atkins is only ""diet of the rich man"" "

All days are Americans eat refined and processed claimed, because they incorrectly believe that buy more healthy, more nutritious food with a limited budget are too expensive.

"Is unfair and harmful to characterize food as a luxury that only the wealthy can afford," said Colette Heimowitz, Vice President for education and research for Atkins health and medical information services &. "While this term in the pockets of the processed food manufacturers, it may be not far from the truth.". "" Unfortunately by perpetuating this myth on food, responsible for the support of unhealthy habits in the long term"."

Its benefits for the health approach showed to Atkins and similar systems of the loss of diet and weight in many studies, said Heimowitz. For example, a study of six months, has published illustrated experimental Cardiology journal and clinical in November 2004, a low carbohydrate diet reduced weight body and reduced the level of glucose in the blood and HDL (good), increases in LDL (bad) cholesterol and triglycerides.

"One of the best aspects of the Atkins Nutritional approach that it is a program that inserts into the budgets," said Heimowitz. "It is important for people to recognize that with a little ingenuity and creativity in the kitchen and the grocery store, collect the enormous benefits of preparing all foods without complex gourmet meal".

Steak, often associated with the following Atkins, is not only a source of protein.

Cheap cuts of meat and poultry ideal in many stews and pans dishes, for example, the same nutritional first offer more expensive and cuts.

Fish canned and less expensive, such as cod and catfish selections can carbohydrates with a low-budget control. Tofu, is another valuable source of protein, offer a variety of foods without breaking the Bank.

Fruits and vegetables always added sugar - frozen is usually less expensive than the fresh season but always the same value of food. Berries, broccoli and spinach frozen under enhancers carbohydrates are decorated.


An antioxidant is a substance that slows the oxidation reactions, especially in a specific context, where the oxidation reactions are chemical reactions, the transfer of electrons from a substance to an oxidizing agent.

Antioxidants are important in biology and organic chemistry: complex systems of chemical substances and antioxidant enzymes to prevent damage to components containing the lives of all cells, chemical oxidation, The importance and the complexity of antioxidants in biology is more than 142,000 academic articles in the medical literature.

A diet with antioxidants from plants are necessary for good health, as the plants are an important source of organic chemicals in antioxidants. Antioxidants are used ingredients in dietary supplements used for health such as the prevention of cancer and heart disease. However, during the numerous studies, who suggested the benefits of these supplements, several large clinical studies clearly show a benefit for tested formulations and excess supplementation may be harmful.

Antioxidants are chemicals to reduce oxidative cell damage and biochemical substances. Researchers have found a strong correlation between the oxidativen and the onset of the disease. For example, the oxidation of LDL is associated with cardiovascular disease. The process is complex, arteriosclerosis and cardiovascular disease, atherogenesis with multiple chemical pathways and networks, but the precursor is the oxidation of LDL by free radicals, led to the formation of plaques and inflammation.

Research has shown that the consumption of foods rich in antioxidants damage to cells and the biochemical products of reduced free radicals. This can slow, stop or even reverse cellular damage certain diseases and perhaps even the natural aging process slows.

Since the discovery of vitamins, he acknowledged that the antioxidants in the diet of healthy living are necessary. In recent years has accumulated a large amount of prove proposed supplementing the diet with various types of antioxidants may extend to improve the health and life.

Many food and nutraceutical companies now sell forms of antioxidants as dietary supplements. These additions include chemical specific antioxidant, such as resveratrol (from grape seeds), combinations of antioxidants, such as "ACE" products that contain beta carotene (provitamin A), vitamin C, vitamin e and selenium, or herbs of the specialities which are known to contain antioxidants, such as green tea and g...

Disclaimer the information presented here should be construed as medical advice. For more information on antioxidants, please consult your physician or a qualified specialist.

Permission, reproduce this article provided that no changes are made and contains the full array of resources.

You guide to the good healthy eating

If you in your ideal weight or try your target weight to achieve is simply a question that burn more calories that you take? I would suggest, is not the answer! A general improvement of the health of the body, such as the weight gain or loss must be in the equation are taken into account or branch might be problems. Proper nutrition can help, Mirian health problems, they will be convinced to reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer is definitely. However be food of appropriate diet, many different foods, the consumption of food and beverages for the monitoring of certain elements and count the calories. Good nutrition provide a balanced diet which lowers cholesterol, blood pressure and weight control.

To function properly, your body the right combination of nutrients: carbohydrates. You are the main source of ammunition in their diet. The body uses build carbohydrates, glucose, used immediately or later can be stored in his body. However, too glucose is stored as fat. There are two types of simple and complex carbohydrates. Sugars are simple carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates are starches and fibres.

Proteins. Protein helps the body to build and maintain muscles and other tissues. Also work in the creation of hormones. As carbohydrates, proteins in the excess is stored as fat.

Plants and animals are the two main types of proteins. Too animal protein can cause high cholesterol levels, because it is rich in saturated fatty acids.

Fat. Quite oddly. fat is a nutrient one another that requires his body. What are saturated and unsaturated forms. Saturated fatty acids at the risk of health problems. Unsaturated fats are in good health, but if you go to the means of any process of refinement, saturated fats can be.

Vitamins. It is also necessary nutrients. Various vitamins are activities within the organization. You can work metabolism with your for help with energy levels, run for each task, you can think of to have the body is. It was also observed that certain vitamins can prevent disease.

For example, vitamins A, C and E, may occur also known maintenance build as antioxidants, the prevention of coronary heart disease the walls of the arteries. Vitamin B - 1 is required for the digestion and the proper functioning of the nervous system. Vitamin B - 2 is required for normal cell growth. Vitamin B-3 allows for detoxification of the body. Folic acid helps the production of red blood cells. Vitamin d helps absorption of calcium. Vitamin k helps blood clot.

Minerals and trace elements. It is a different nutrient, which requires his body. Both are used in numerous body processes. Mineral as chlorine helps make their digestive juices. Phosphorus helps build bones. The two are in the food we eat, but with an element, the body has only a small amount. Final salt is a nutrient that requires his body. You should not consume more than 2 400 mg per day, but how it can increase blood pressure.

Follow several guidelines for a balanced diet, the diet building. Try first half and two cups of fruit and vegetables every day eat 2 cups. If the choice for each day, make sure that you choose a good selection. This will help, choose at least four times a week, a good guide is so many different colors as possible food all five vegetable subgroups.

You should at least 3 ounces grains eat every day. At least half of the grain consumption should be based on whole grains. Milk should be part of a healthy diet. You eat at least forty-eight ounces of skim milk or dairy products, on a daily basis. Total fat intake should only between 10 and 30 percent of their calories. Most of the fats you eat should form unsaturated acids fatty as saturated fats can do much damage health. Meat, poultry, dry beans and dairy products and dairy products should be slim, low fat or fat-free. Less than ten percent of your calories from saturated fatty acids come should, and you should always try to avoid trans fat.

A normal party whose diet should be a potassium-rich foods should be rich in fibre fruits, vegetables and whole grains. You need to consume only alcoholic with moderation.

Good nutrition is the foundation of a healthy diet.